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Myatt and His New Boss All Star Game Ballot (Print or All Names) County I Name 33 Address Bradley Denies Rumor (mall) Mutual Admiration (Player) (Team): (Player) Selections Grantland RiceW Sam Otis The Leading Invader Results and Entries of Leading fracks Teams Teams Pct Teams Pct time Gray 240 300 Complete Charts of Races at Bainbridge byvrfwstst ertmmrw 6 7 1 1 St 6 9220 (a) Moratorium Str 7 88J0 8780: iur ituiv Robertson 350 300 230 aust 380 250 TE Hushes 240 2 8 9 250 PP St 5 a "i (WEDNESDAY JUNE 5 1935 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER PAGE SEVENTEENW 4 4 that hap somewhat Montreal Toronto 5 5 5 3 8 6 820 180 1720 4 3 3 3 3 3 109 110 107 117 2 3 Albany HIGGINS BEST IT THIRD SITS JIMMY OXX 870 454 Indians Are Seeking National Leaguer 70 yards: Westko Justold Wassail Clare Bee fl 4 0 0 4 8 5 7 3 5 3 4 7 8 4 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 7 8 1 5 4 1 out out out 4 5 1 5 5 1 2 3 till 460 100 "flflO 1530 i 2 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 3 0 time 520 320 640 320 Who Odds 4 MO 290 660 in 1 2 2 14 163(1 4620 6410 fcp of the one 280 640 345 Cona COLUMBUS June may be unlucky but it means nothing to Larry Snyder coach of Ohio track team Snyder and his squad will depart Thursday night on the most impor tant journey of the season and the mentor will take along exactly thir teen athletes Before the boys come home about July 6 they will take part in the north central Intercollegiate meet at Marquette a dual meet with South Battle Olin Dutra and Young Stars for National Title 6 nk 9 3 4 1 5 nk SEVENDBMEB CHIMPS WILL PUTIN OPEN 2 nk 4 2 5 1 2 5 5 8 6 5 6 6 1 9 2 2 3 1 6 ORM PUYEH5 HAVE BAD DAY AT BAINBRIDGE 8 3 9 6 7 6 1 1 2 5o 7 4 1 8 2 3 14 7 6 9 1 8 1 7 6 nk 4 14 8 1 7 nk 3 1 4 fl nk 10 1 lt1 2 13 2 15 4 0 0 0101 0 4 2 10 0 10 0 2 0 0 14 1 0 0 0 5 2 1 4 6 1 256 334 696 1 3 480 330 610 AH 11 11 14 4 nk it Tribe Boss Scoffs at Pilot Yarn 7 4 11 Over Toughest Course Since 1927 enly two and first "And 4 3 3 9 1 2 1 fl 0 0 1 0 A 1 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 1 9 Lady Pharamond Lone irst Choice to inish in ront Associated Press Wirephoto Glenn Myatt former Cleveland catcher (right) and his new boss Bill Terry of the New York Giants are shown talking 10 1 11 Second Group Paul Runyan Johnny Revolts Sidney Brews Harry Cooper Hor ton Smith Denny Shute Ky Laf foon Byron Nelson Victor Ghez zi Harold McSpaden Veterans Group Tommy Armour Willie Mac arlane MacDonald Smith Walter Hagen Al Espinosa Johnny ar rell Bobby Crulckshank BiUy Burke Leo Diegel Amateur Group Johnny Goodman Chailie Yates Harry Givan Zell Eaton Rodney Bliss The Buck coach picked his squad today and as usual it was headed by Jesse Owens world champion broad jumper and sprinter Others from Cleveland who will make the trip are Ed Gazdin Ken Selts and rank Jusek The remainder of the squad was made up of Charles Beetham ind lay: Bob Blickle Ironton Cliff Smith Clarington Dominic Benda Steubenville Glenn Price Tiffin George Neal Dayton John Wonso wltz Gary Ind Dick Heekin Cin cinnati and Melvin Walker Toledo 2 3 3 Sweep Like Captures alls Handicap 5 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 260 420 Bin lone club swinger can appreciated Here is the grouping pens to appeal to your bewildered correspondent: irst Group Gene Sarazen Henry Picard Olin Dutra Craig Wood 5 nk 4 1 3 1 A always up there knocking at the front door with a good swing and a stout heart Brews has the forearm of a wrestler He has 'played Oakmontwell a great the South African says "and in no sense unfair I like it found you afford to wander off the line from the tee the main test straight and far if but straight first of A A Ine) 1 nuier Value Odds 8529 939 200 1160 200 3190 1650 1010 Judge PP 7 3 6 1 3 3 1 5 1 iV 6 1V4 8 AHO A 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 Str i i4 i 4 1 7 nk ft AHO A 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 4 3 9 Pct 23 23 500 24 24 500 18 27 400 15 30 333 AKRON D'Savioe Miller3 Neunl Qeeak2 Brandt Mnko'kylf 3 Hnlmn 9 BcggSPBetlem TuckeyM Totals 34 7 30 17 in tenth Bloomer Girls Win 9th Straight 21 11 Amassing 21 runs on thirteen hits ths Bloomer 'Girls Class A softball champions defeated the Blepp Coombs lassies 21 to 11 at Lake wood Elka ield last night for their ninth straight victory 260 Black 0 4 3 1 a 13 1 3 3 14 0 0 0 1 6 6 MRS MOODY ADVANCES Rests Today After Gaining ourth Round at Weybridge WEYBRIDGE England June (AP) Helen Wills Moody polishing up her net play here preparatory to entering the Wimbledon cham pionships as the first real test of her comeback campaign won her third round match in the St George's Hill tournament today with a straight set victory over Miss Morrison 6 1 6 0 The former American champion is not scheduled to play tomorrow and said she might witness the running of the English Derby at Epsom Downs 38(1 Uftutv Dav Mv Epiwltch Grandmas BLEPPS Bennet 2 Mansf'Idrs Bendalt Saverss Smith Price rt Ship'tka3 Wafshp Arthurl Totals 35 141815 210 6 5 1 3 4 6 Odds 520 1020 2 1 3 1160 A U1 5)k Wild Transit 103 108 26 21 553 26 23 531 Results 5 Rochester 2 in 3 1 ft ft 8 1 9 PP St 9 3 Toronto 5 Rochester 2 Albany 6 Syracuse 4 Buffalo at Montreal rain Baltimore 13 Newark 9 (lames Toronto at Rochester Buffalo at Montreal Newark at Baltimore Albany at Syracuse MID ATLANTIC LEAGUE Akron Errors Win for Zanesville 2 1 AKRON June 4 The Akron Yankees dropped a ten inning pitch duel to Zanesville 2 to 1 today errors paving the way for the win ning run Vigorous protests by Manager Johnny Neun over two decisions in the second inning brought about his ejection from the game Sod opened the tenth with a single and Wasdell was safe at first on an error Hahn walked to fill the bases and Sod scored the winning run when Oceak fumbled Cumberland's grounder ZANESV Cortoxzos Hafcy3 Mclntyrelt Sodrf Wasdelll Kopko2 4 Totals 34 0 30 15 The Cuckoo Nest OAKMONT Pa June Some flew east and some flew west Now here at the nest Official membership in the nest belong to anyone who attempts to pick the winner in the Open golf champion ship of the United States that opens over 7000 yards of trial and tribuation Thursday morning On a roulette wheel you are 4' asked only to pick one out of 38 numbers including zero and dou ble zero There are 160 starters here proximately the survivors more than 1100 crusaders so job of boiling this list down to be easily 1100 520 360 360 American Team Pct Dayton 1111500 Portam'th 1214 462 Charlton 8 15 348 8 10 348 1:07 Horne and Jockey Toltec (Marlin) Belle Delight (BradshawlLon? John (Turner) Papillota (Klein) HowtU (West I Thelma I Martinez I Sister Uris (Edwards) Eager Belle (Sylvester) 102 Lazy Mary (Leonard) 103 Apprentice allowance claimed Wt Ill) 109 105 105 109 110 114 114 112 claimed ield (Apprentice Busy Lad 108 Wihu 110 Knockabout 109 Iklanlel Olnvm fl ftA Odds92(1 280 400 810 1910 1890 450 740 211111 allowance waived 4 Corrected 240 240 280 Wazayata On Scratched Hot 'ah Instead Elfhu Overweights Sister Ikle (1) Eager Belle (1) 82 mutuels Toltee Si80 8340 8220 Belle Delight 8380 8220 JAhn fl TOLTEC I jse VISVSVISB a WAMI 14 1 uy rUEHlUlOIlQ Value to winner S310 150 125 810 'tw 4 34 Teams Pct Indianap 25 15 625 St Paul 23 1(1 590 Minneap 27 19 587 Milwauk 20 17 541 If I were managing the All Star gams in Cleveland Stadium July 8 I would pick the following squads from the two leagues: American League National League OUTIELDERS (Team) 2 1 2 2 1 3 105 104 114 4 100 1 109 Wt pp loS I in 101 113 360 240 440 Valley Prince Grand inale Manhattan ft sur szarz gooa won me hUf minute Winner I Trained by Hoff Str in Wild Daughter 105 Brizette 105 Thelma Ill Gertrude 109 Society Busy in Making All Star Game By Sam Otis Plain Dealer Sports Editor Published rumors that the Indians are trying to sign a 4 National1 Leaguer as a successor to Walter Johnson were vigorously denied yes terday Alva Bradley president uf the Cleveland baseball club id western papersf recently a 1 such reports eno of which hinted that Mike Gonzales coach of the world cham pion St Louis Cardinals was sought as manager of the tribe should wo drop a manager who has hie team 1 Ing and a half games out of Mra Bradley asked if we had any de sire to make a change why should we seek a man of unknown man agerial Neither is Mr Bradley Interested in Babe Ruth Willie Kamm central figure Of the recent controversy with Johnson will confer today with General Manager Billy Evans re garding his new scouting job and probably will leave Cleveland to night for his hom*o in San ran cisco rom there he will start his search for future Indian talent Last but Lose Only three Washington pitchers have gone the full route in the last eight games and all have lost George Plpgras was released by tno Red Sox only after being granted his request that he be allowed to start a game His effort was a disas trous one and cost him nis job Tom Padden Pittsburgh Pirate catcher was not good enough to make the Manhattan College var slty Too much baseball in the Orient is advanced as a possible rea son for Lou slump and talkf prohibiting barnstorming trips is being revived Bill Steams for mer University of Michigan hurler is pitching soft ball in Houston Tex Connie Mack takes a nap on a cot in his office before going to the bench for the home games Real Birdie At Westfield a golfer killed wild duck on the wing with a tee shot Ben Ogden track coach at Temple University has hopes that his colored star Eulace Peaco*ck will defeat Jesse Owens Pea co*ck already has broad jumped 28 feet 8 inches just a quarter of an inch less than the world mark but fell backward for a foul He has been clocked un officially in almost as good time as Jesse in the furlong sprint and 220 yard hurdles King Saxon a 8980 yearling is now valued at 550 000 by his owner Knebel kamp Lou Little of Columbia is writing a book on how to watch football :48 Horse and Jockey Wt Lady Pharsioond (Dyer) 109 Call Money (Clemons) 109 Inscona (west) 112 Classic Dancer (Leyland) 112 Countess Bye (Mat tin) 109 Quomodo (Tice) 112 Bunnys (Sylvester) 109 82 mutuals paid Lady Phaiamond ianv i a aaaBa avaws aaa'ari lasan navaa RVVM Vwuiesci uavw Vivai ill tees SU yBluii CALL MONEY displayed rood speed and held on fairly well INSCONA farced to race on outside of opposition finished stoutly COUNTESS BYE closed some around Others tired badly SECOND Purse 8400 for 3 yr olds up claiming 5U fur: atart rood from rate won driving place same went to post at 2:50 at post one and one half min utes Winner Miss Helen Carlock's ch TOLTEC (8) by Westr Horan Lorma Trained by Anderson Value to winner 8310 855 325 310 Time :22 1 Odds Minor Leagues AMERICAN ASSOCIATION (By the Louisville Times) WASHINGTON PARK (Illinois) SCHUTE Masked Belle Court 2 Liquidation rank Smith Ono Knot 3 Be Shy Dlxlana Technique 4 Pelrbypelr Band Wexnn Baek Lor Late Date Watch Him Binebeard 6 Crout Au Pot Redress Our Reith Merry Go Round Brother Los Klcvson 8 OU Lady Rouless Technocracy BELMONT (New York) GLENBROOM Sentry Sun Crumo 2 Rhadamanthus Nesconset Cartels Marcasite Hermle Roy irelock Whitney entry Brookmeade entry Biluro Quel Jeu Deduce Black Buddy Cast Jerry Briant Don Astra ROCKINGHAM (Salem 1 Cash Book Dark Thatch Blondo Jester 2 Hiatus Glitter Glow John Tio Wee Wink Chinese Empress Lors Tournament Hlsh Hand IT Great Haste Oslo DOGMATA Star Porter Indiantown Jack Chevlrny Gunwale Happy lat 7 Euclid Danelnr Meek The Potter Prince Pompey Carsono Adamite DETROIT (MlchUan) 1 Handsome John Snkantala Mad End 2 Ladlno Aunt lor Gay Blade Renaissance Hrmarque Scythe 4 Crackle Jestins Gcldstep Rock A Transmutable Paradisical fl VANITA Blnndella Plucky Baby Busy Spain Drastic Dellcht Borsodi ramper War Plane Standoat LATON IA (Kentucky) Lady Confucius Nordrle Miso Greenock Billy Jones Throuch Omond Ro lands 3 Tenace Golden PIceon Steps head 4 Jaz Are elawake Beau Dis fl MANNER'S MAN Mah Grant Mucho Gusto 6 Vitamin My Blaze Monntainy Man American Prince Eredu Lesallty Storm Ansel Sallle Gray Earl Baker Long Shots AT BAINBRIDGE Occult In fourth AT Draft Serceant In fl rat AT Wttisn In fourth AT DETROIT Broadstep In third AT WASHINGTON Old Lndy In eighth AT Nordrle In flrst (CopyrtfhL 935 Universal Service) Atmosphere Chain Raycart Old Judsre Yap laxen Boocap 1 A miles time 1:47: GUIDING LIGHT Wall 860 400 240 GENEREAL LEJEUNE Warner 360 240 SALUT D'AMOUR Stafford 220 Balancer Doorkeeper Angry Lass Bar sila Airline Detroit air Grounds Results 6 fur time 1:15: (a)CHlLLA MAY Dabnon 1360 340 260 HILLTOWN Horvath 20 220 DUcwPiirit DiidiAJVvSa nooper Handsome Hal Marlite Marmosa De mur Henvlerva (a)Torch Malden Mira Dame Grundy (a) Mra Van Dusen entry 5 fur time 1:02 If BLIND PIG Smith 2680 11 GRAND GIRL BrysonSUN Thornton Pcloria Wedge Lad Hnnm Mtdi iniiia Boy Chan 6 fur time 1:16: UvDDEIN SAinT Bryson 150 VIGNOLAS BUD Stevenson crly Hills 95: Jesting 106: Metaurus 111 (a) Sir Ridgway 103: Candescent 110 (a) Rancho San Luis Rey and Clark Gable entry Handicap 3 rr olds up 6 fur: Precursor 112 Our Mae 102 risky Matron 114 Transmutable 105 Paradis ical 102 Rock 119 SIXTH 3 yr olds up mile 100 Blondclla 113: Chips 113: Plucky Baby 103 Hereon 108 100 Pcggys Peggy 113 115 SEVENTH 3 yr olds up 1A miles: Senator Mike 110 Center Line 113uey Spain 107 Pish Tush 106 Wins low 110 Drastic Delight 110 Borsodi 106 Beau Bon 110 EIGHTH 4 yr olds up 1 miles: Blind Hills 114: rumper 114 War Plane 114: Sir Dean 114 Scimitar 114Royal Durbar 109 Standout 114 Dou ble Dare 109 Weather cloudy track fast Weight allowance claimed Washington Park Entries IRST Malden 2 yr olds 5 fur: Chris tine Adee 114 Court 117: Schuie 114: Wayaloft 117 Masked Belle 114: Impa tient 109 Spirt tuolle 114 Image 114 SECOND Maiden 2 yr old 5 fur: irm Hand 114: One Knot 114: Liquida tion 117 Smith 112 Miss Galla hart 114 Rustic Lassie 114 112: Lady Chairman 114 THIRD 3 yr olds up mile: Motley 105 (a)Pre War 110 Mama's Choice 111 Count Tetrarch 106: Jen's Son 114 Be Shy 110: Sailing 109 Tech nique 113 Countess Blna100 Jovlus 110 (a)Chasar 113r (a)Dixlana Stable entry OURTH 4 yr olds up 6 fur: Judge Leer 98 Camino Real 108 Log 105 Trinchera 102 Band Wagon 110 Pairbypalr 107 ITH 3yr olds up mile: Dust Girl 107 Royal Blunder 109 Blue Beard 106 Late Date 114 Watch Him 112 3 yr up mile (a) Crout au Pot 112 (b)Count Arthur 10R (a) Noah's Pride Ill: Silent Shot 107 (b) Our Reigh 103 Redress 103: Cotton Club 110 (a) Mrs A Creech entry (b)Mrs Herts entry 3 vr olds mile and 70 yds: Winder 107: Merry Go Round 195 Shalot 110: Our Chance 107 Brother Lou 112 Earth Shaker 112 Kwamudi 110 Klevson 107 3 yr oIds up 1 miles: Range Boss 113: Irish Image 114 Tech nocracy 113 Miss Glace 114 Indian Red 113: Mary's May 108 Canter On 113 Rouless 115: Old Lady 108 Weather cloudy track faat Weight allowance claimed Race Selections Team Johnsto'n 16 9 640 Hunt'gt'n 1610 615 Akron 14 19 fi3R Zanesville 1211522 Beckjey HabuIIa Zanesville 2 Akron 1 (ten innings) Portsmouth 7 Charleston 1 Beckley 2 Huntington 0 Tonight's Games Zanesville at Akron Charleston at Portsmouth Beckley at Huntington Dayton at Johnstown SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION Knoxville 5 Birmingham 2 New Orleans 7 Atlanta 6Little Rock 6 Chattanooga 1 THREE EYE LEAGUE Decatur 21 Springfield 3 ort Wayne 21 Peoria 2 Terre Haute 6 Bloomington 210 920 1160 26HO 2480 ni 9 or the first time in many years an invader has thrown his shadow across the United States open His name is Sidney Brews South African champion who has been one of the most consistent golfers of many years Winner of the South African open runner up to Cotton ID the last British open winner of the rench and Holland opens runner up in the Met open winner of the Philadelphia (Copyright 1935 by By John Lardner NEW YORK June As our cab sped toward a spot where steak and potatoes could be had in large quan tities Mr Pinky Higgins looked out tho window and pointed to some urchins playing ball in the street "That's my leaguS' said Mr Hig gins disconsolately I ought to be the way I'm hitting" said Mr Jimmy oxx sure have got it bad Wait till you put some steak inside you Slumps mean a thing to a guy that's had a real dinner Besides you saw someone that looks even worse at the plate than you that big Gehrig" agreed Mr Higgins makes me feel bet ter to watch him miss I'm soriy for him though because a slump bothers him more in the mind than it does This turned out to be true At the dinner table Mr Higgins perked up He murdered his steak ravaged an acre of au gratin potatoes outboxed a portion of asparagus and wolfed all the crab meat in sight At the end of the workout Connie competent third baseman allowed that a hitting slump mean a thing to a man with a clear brain and a clean conscience Then he and Mr oxx began to analyze their league and their ball club kid yourself about our admonished Mr oxx "Wp'll be in the first division We may even finish third if some of these other teams slide like I think they will We might beat out Boston for instance We got three good startlag pitchers Dietrich Marcum and Wil shere This Wilshere is the best young left hander I seen In a long time He has all it "Say the all star game is going to be a sweetheart this year" said Pinky "Mike Cochrane will put the toughest team on the field that he can find play it to win There be any stalling around and sending fellas in Just to win their letters or instance put Jimmy (Continued on Page IS) Lovelock Arrives NEW YORK June Jack Lovelock the fastest miler until Glenn Cunningham lowered the mark to 4:067 last year arrived from England today to start train ing for his race with the record holder Bill Bonthron Gene Venzke and Glen Dawson in the Princeton University track meet June 15 Yeeterday'e Reeulte Columbus 5 Louisville 3 Toledo 5 Indianapolis 3 Kansas City 11 Minneapolis 4 St Paul at Milwaukee rain Games St Paul at Milwaukee Minneapolis at Kansas City two tames Indianapolis at Toledo Louisville at Columbus NTERNATKiNAI LWAGrTB reams rci reams Buffalo 2616 619 Syracuse Baltimore 26 20 565 Newark AH OA fucneKs eterson3 81orarlt iTnmfw'zi 1 TValus2 4 Doljackcf 4 aiusn Woodre BValuac Pickap Totals 41 13 1812 Sloomer Girls lepp Coombs Runs Bilchek 4 Peterson 2 Slorar 3 Underwood 2 Valus 2 Dofjack 2 Value 4 Valus Picks Bennet Shippitka 2 Kawilik 2 Walsh Benda Smith Price Arthur Errors Bloomer Girls 5 Blepp Coomba 6 Two base hits Slorar 2 Kawilik Talus Home run Benda Base on balls Walsh 1 Struck By Walsh 1 by Picks 2 Umpires Dodson and Btaten OAKMONT Pa June The combination of an exceptionally brilliant field and the toughest course since 1927 has made thia national open golf champion ship the biggest gamble in recent years Including the present holder big Olin Dutra of Los Angeles the tournament which starts Thursday lists eight players who have won the title at least once They are more than matched by a group of rapidly rising stars The Oakmont layout is the most severe test the open has offered since Tommy Armour won the title here in 1927 Oakmont is internationally famous for its cruelly harrowed traps but the greens are even more dangerous Gene Sarazen twice winner of the title and runner up last year today offered to bet that any player would average two putts per hole "Even at six or seven Sarazen said after playing a few holes "you dare to go boldly for the cup And at anything more than that you have to try and get In a four foot circle If you do lucky" This was a day of rest for most of the players The pros heard about the impending pitching duel between Dizzy Dean and Cy Blanton and some 50 of them chartered a couple of busses to take them to the ball game deciding to forego their final practice shots until tomorrow the eve of the tourney Sarazen still the betting favorite at 6 to 1 is anything but pleased with his own game been off for a couple of days" he said just control my long 8 Parties 87 8620 Batted for Bern Zanesville 010 000 00 01 2 Akron 000 100 000 0 1 Wasdell Sod Turkey Errors Oeeak Holm Run betted in Brandt Two bnse hits Tuckey Stolen bases Wasdell Kopkq Hahn Sacrifices Hafey Was deU Oceak Double Judnich Del Savlo and Judnlch Makowsky Miller and Del Savio Cortozzo Wasdell and Hairy Cortozzo Kopko and Wasdell Left on Zanesville 5 Akron 7 Bases on Off Bern 1 off Cumberland 4 Struck By Beers 5 by Cumberland 4 Off Berrs 6 off Cumberland 7 Winninr pitcher Cumberland Losinr pitcher Berrs Umpires Gerber and Gaston' if 'flb 1(114 11 3 3 9 Pct Kan City 19 17 528 Columbus 21 24 467 Toledo 18 27 400 Lou'ville 12 30 280 Hom and Jockey Wt IHoum Baby (H West) 105 Best Buck (J redericks) 1011 Avail (J Leyland) 114 Harerman (it Clemons) 109 jsuddys Choice (J Dyer) 104 Cotton Patch Polk) 109 Celebrity IT Martin) 109 Donpa (L Turner) Ill Disobey (J Sylvester) 104 Damon Lady (R Klein) 109 Sweet Pearl (M Lona) 99 Scratched My Ione Viper Hiklura Overweights Donpa 2 House Babv 1 Avail in 9H HOUSE BABY drew away decisively last furlonr won eased up BEST BUCK worked way up on outaide and finished strongly AVAIL finished tiring HAGERMAN came very fast in last eighth BUDDYS CHOICE was crowded back as start came which ruined his chances but ha closed wide gap last hall Others tired OURTH RACE Purse 8500 for 3 yr old and up claiming 8 fur start good: won ridden nut place easily: went to pnst at 3:48 at post onedtilf minute Winner Henmans cn ralliaku iv or nuniing rastorai man Value io winner 8390 870 530 10 Time :22 norse anil jocxey i Halliard (J Leonard) 103 Dian (L Turner) Ill Bunty Ann (P Martinez) 106 1500 500 380 1411 ZAII TAHIRA May 780 Sparkllnr Rose Chiclard Blind Guard ian Prince Han Green lame Dcprrsln Chink Olepal 6 fur time PRINCE DRAKE Lexere 580 340 260 JEAN BROWN Richard 280 240 LITTLE HEEL Turk 320 Vicki Peter Blues Newab Gwyn Racketeer Sun Highland Downs 6 fur time 1:15: A CHATTEROL Legere 860 580 480 INJUSTICE Kits 340 300 AMY COOPER Thornton S40 Sophist Lillian As Always Pretty Wise Brown Torch John Bane 1 A miles time 1:51: BRIGHT MELODY Stevenson 700 340 260 OOLHARDY Landers 320 260 EVELINE Simpson 580 Lady Trust Bourbon Prince Liberty Ace Beau Bon Mile time 1:48: DIVIDE Bemlus 3580 1540 460 PARADOX GIRL Dabson 320 240 ED MOSS Rita 300 Blighted Hopes Miss Angelo Miss Cer tificate Mlle time 1:45: StaASTA BROOM Ritz 1120 640 460 BELL MAN Bryson 2160 8QO Stevenson 400 Losing Cion Morris Blind Puss Don day Harky More Pep ield DAILY Chilla May and Blind Pig paid 840480 tor 82 Washington Park Results 5 tur time 1:01: MALMAI8ON Tinker 1410 702 640 RED LYER Arcaro 396 394 HAT CHECK McTague 2744 Casa Baywood Opening Night Alanad Time Light Canbrock Kai Ham 7 lur time 1:26: CHIE PILOT King 1862 1052 714 TRANSPOSE Longden 692 382 MAREVE Moser 4 12 Joly On Traitor Barbara Carom Glb by's Choice Petee Blue Whizz James 7 fu time 1:26: DORIS Arcaro 792 366 312 MR 8PONGE Westrope 600 452 PEfER DIXON McTague 1902 Legal Gamble Uncle Less Evening uowrii xvCAiMcrBtg ur jreiwnQ 6 fur time 1:13: EP Albrecht 1186 496 MARTIN BARTON Balaskl 742 CAPTAIN RED Arcaro Snaplock Good Cheer Gamaliel 6 fur time 1:14: SLIM RO8IE Westrope 396 264 BLESSED AGAIN Balaskl 368 KT AU nZNNkn Manka Lumlnoea rench Princess Countess Ann Lisa Belle My Blonde Elteebe Mlle time 1:41: ROYAL ROVER Gray 726 390 828 CHANCE DAME Balaskl 724 466 STATION BELLS Renick 642 Nellie Lee Laffoon Highland Rose Maa Luby Baku Cathedral Our Prince Dianne 8 Mite time 1:41: ROSS Brammer 1033 654 356 CALEB Arcaro 444 328 ALL DEVIL Gray 604 Brown Hilda Joseph Playaway Bally Wise Byrdlne Donnie WM under burg 1 miles time 1:53: INTEGRITY Arcaro 1034 488 456 EL PUMA Brammer 688 464 THE SINGfcB Haas 966 Caw Caw Mlaa Corinne Wllco Brains DAILY Chief Pilot end Doris paid 87826 tor 82 Latonix Entries 2 yrplds 6 fur: Tact 115 Oriental Miss 115 Wlteh Wings 115 Nordrie 115 Short Order 115 Greynoae 116 Lady Confudua 110 Mias Greenock 115 SECOND 3 yr up 6 fur: Potter ton 112 Hlldrum 107: Rhythmic Miss 104: Parade Step 112 Mukluk 105 Billy Jones 112: Belands 107: Through Omond 107: Double Shamrock 107 2 yr olds 5 fur: 110: Mary Siebert 115 Black Crystal 1 16: Tenace 115 Al Marine 115 Step ahead 115: Golden Pigeon 115 Sis Blaze 115 Novell 115 St A 1 4 3 7 fl I 6 I $620 8360 8360 Call Money PHARAMOND fipit hlng with good courage drew clear in last 70 yards Latonia Results 5 fur time 1:03: SANSKRIT Burley 660 320 THUMBS DOWN Kern 280 GOOSENECK Bohn Green Red Silver Hackle 6 fur time 1:15: TRIPPUP South 460 320 EL BANDIDO Cooper 580 LADY LAURA Pichon 649 Boston Sound Roberta Buffoonery Rep KnM Actions JOniiny THIRD 5 fur time 1:03: GRAY JACK ernandez 840 400 WOODWAY Morgan 1360 EARLY CALL Bohn Chrysostle Happy Rhinock Zsar stanto Rule or Ruin fl fur time 1:16 EARL BAKER Garner 480 300 PRINCESS A Bohn 280 JAZ AGE Compton mix Whiainw Wfl Side Julia 'Irene Defma Dunn at 4 4 1Z ir rtl iur unw BEST BID South 700 400 240 VISIGOTH owler 300 22 MARYNELL Smith 240 On Alarit Brilliant Rose Gilbert Elston Charlie Jr 1 A miles time 1:48: BATTldPIU UlKU 1 COLIER 780 ANGON BRIDGE owler Chalkeye Oswego Princess Belle Mile and 70 yards 1 47 Wt EIL WEIR Bohn 1700 760 SADA South 460 Yn Qtwiin King Cicero' Swift Express Upon Super xoy jrrinccM Mile and 70 yards 140 LET WING owler 420 320 SCOTLAND BEAUTY Bohn 420 LUCY allon Golden Nut Axtel Hospitality Win Score DAILY Trippup and Jack paid 82140 for 82 Relmont Park Results 5 fur time :59: BUDDING STAR Jones 1 1 1 3 I (a) Workman 8 5 7 10 SIGNIICANT Kurialnger 2 1 (a) Blue Gum Bonnio Lois Primulus (b) Social Error Torietta Vale of Tears (b)Voodooism (a)Sage Stable entry (b)Brookmeade Stable entry SECOND 2 miles tims 3:46: GOLDEN MEADOW Ball 2 1 7 10 1 3 TEAKWOOD Mitchell 7 6 3 5 NATIONAL ANTHEM Goodwill 1 1 Silverskin Tanaringo Earnings Grey Phantom '8 5 2 5 1 5 INDIAN BROOM Gilbert 4 1 8 5 NIGHT CAP Rainey Marcabala Gror Capitol Hill 7 fur time 1:23: MANTAGNA Lltxenbcrger 6 1 5 2 6 5 EXHIBIT Renick 2 1 1 1 NAUTCH Merritt 1 1 Plat Eye Pompey's Pillar Black Gift Ariel Cross Esposa a) Silversmith laiAooea sianer 1 A miles time 1:48: THORSON Renick 5 2 7 10 BIT SORROW Meado 1 2 ROUGH DIAMOND Workman Old Story 1 A miles lima 1:43: EBONY LADY Corbett 7 5 2 5 GLASTONBURY Workman 6 6 CRISTATE Lynch Paas Shot Race Craft Jim John Rockingham Result! 0 fur time 1:13: SUN TEATIME Wimmer 630 350 QUEEN VIC Hanford 700 UPTVM Wall Great Lover Dunce Stretch Call Merry Bud Coming Back Cynwyd Count Dean Energetic Boy Tarbucket 6 fur time 1:07: DIGNITARY Stout 1020 fl 20 420 CASH SURRENDER Coucci 480 320 TIGER JOHN Deering 410 Bride Elect Sun Probate Mixed Party Morden ast Move Profitable Hydro Girl St Nick Happy Tom 5 fur time 1:07: DANCING LADY Seabo 660 3 0 280 BENARES Pollard 900 650 EARLY DAWN Stout 450 Wittekind Judge Peak Sun Lure Pan bula air Verbena Their irst oreign Lady Dove of Peace JubaL 5 fur time 1:06 DARK WAR Wagner 17 JO 670 MOANE KEALA Johnson 410 JUNIOR Robertson Peeper Jlraaol IL High Torque Mall Jessie Hickory Lad 8 fur time 1:12: IrtB UAKB wion zuun vvaQu nnjnjM xue i nnrnvM fatw Uuph Crazy Jans Bright Phantom Mite time 1:41: TEE TOTUM Deering 400 BULL MARKET aust 330 oiAojt aiorns 81c Wayward Son Cardamon Mite time 1:39: DAVOC Hanford 1230 650 WWER LADY fault 410 jMLLD Johnson 5 6 Luna Bright Tice) 105 1 6 6 6 Scratched Immutable 82 mutuels HzHiard 81160 8540 8420 Dian 8340 8320 Bunty Ann 84 HALLIARD closed up courageously on outside of leaders in final eighth and ftor throughout and held on well BUNTY ANN SlVv crowded back at far turn but was going well on end chiUlenrad1 tejrlflc early pace but stopped badly during last furlong when ITH Purse 8400 for four year olds and up claiming 1 A miles: start good yen to Post at 4:14 at post one minute Winner Northern Sir br (6) by Serapis Northem Miss Trained by A Miller Value 3 yr olds up 6 fur: Double Nugget 112: Princess Ivory 102 Yenoc 112 West Payne 112 Ben Bernie 112: Jas Age 112 Beau Dis 112 lorida Beacon 105 elawake 105 ITH 3 yr olds 6 fur: Red Sunset 100 Hidden Dust 100 Mucho Gusto 110 Sweet Memories 108 Mah Grant 108 Wise Bessa 103 Manners Man 111 SIXTH 3 yr oIds up mile and 70 yds: Mountainy Man 114: Lady linders Bud 107 Vitamin 115 My Blaze 115 3 yr olds up lfl miles: Ercch 115 American Prince 116: Pee deeque 107 Legality 112 Prince Vic 107 Ereon 105 3 yr olds up mile and 70 yds: Sallle Gray 110: Baby Stare 104 kipper 102: Slip 109 Storm Aneel 112 Pets O'Donnell 102: Tempte Hill 100: Blonde Baggage 104: Earl Baker 115: Sir Koster 109 Weather dear track faat Weight allowance claimed Belmont Park Entries IRST 2 yr old maidens: 6 fur: Honky Took 116: Draft Seiyeant 112 Glenbroom 112: (a) laming Swords 100 la) Under the Guns 109: (b) ree Again 100: Hymn 109 Avcnjeance 109 Speech 109 Dixie Dora 109 c) Black Mischief 108: Sambo Jones 108 Sun Crump 608 Sentry 108 Drafted 108 Big March 108: (c) Bay Gift 105 Lit tle Nymph 105 Nallta 105 Aura 105: lag Raising 104 (b) Roiseili 103 104 Otway 108 (a) Glen Riddle arms entry: (b) Victor Emanuel entry (c) Brookmeade Stable entry 8 CON Handicap steeplechase 4 yr olds up about 2 miles: Nesconset 146: la) Rhadamanthus 145 Hurry Har ry 143 Wrackon 141 Curtain Call 141 Little lian 138 (a) No rills 135 (a) Gwladys Whitney entry THIRD 3 yr olds up mile: Scntch Sol dier 112 Dignified 112: irelock 112: Merry ox 112 Hermle Roy 112 Mar casite 107 Our Rose 107 allowances: 2 yr olds: 5 fur: (a) Bright Plumage 116 Caseapedia 113 Conquer 113: (b) Neap 107: b) Prank 107 Bijuro 107 Giant Killer 107 Re election 107 (a) Singers olly 107 (a) Whitney entry (b) Brook meade entry handicap: 3 yr olde up fl fur: PolycletuSj 120: Black Buddy 118: Brown Twig 112 Quel Jeu 112 Okapi 100 Below Zero 106: Deduce 100 3 rr olds up mile: Capablanca 112 Astra 112: Jerry Ill: Bright Don 109 Mickey Man 100: Dalmatia 100 Mae Skilling 100 Weather cloudy track fast Weight allowance claimed Rockingham Entries 2 rr olds 6 fur Blonde Jest er 104 103: Wise Will 108 Mammas Mary 105 Secured 108 An jus 108 Cash Book 101 Dark Thatch( 2 yr olds: 5 fur: John Tin 107 Hiatus 117 estoon 104 Stum ble 109 Blind Talk 112 King 107 Gal 104: Glitter Glow 112: Eddie Illi: Sighting Bar 112Mad Dash 102 Airy Hurras 101 4 yr olds up: 5 fur: Red Badge 101: Pharatlnie 101 101: Chinese Empress 105: Lord Tour nament 110: Wink 106 3 yr olds: fur: Lqvito 104: Paradun 105 105: ore glow 106: Rack 101: Bor 109 Lady 100: Kowtow gViem dhdyPi wintour 100 ITH Handicap: 3 yr olds up: 6 fur: (a) Dogmata 104 Wise Anne 95: Captain Argo 108: Happy Go 112: (b) Indiantown 107 (a) Ba 'helor Dinner 100: Star Porter 122: (a) Dreel 109 (b) Carisbrooke 97 (a) A Vanderbilt entry b) Pike entry 3 yr olds mile: High Imare 106: Happy Hunter 112: Leans 97Bounding Count 101: Mr Pete 97: Brlllfalon 107 Hapuy lag 107 'Jack Cherlgny 111 3 yr 01ds tin: 1A 113 Zembla 113: Tho Potter 118 Sloth 108: 113 Daisaburo 114: Goldfin 99: Jeanne 8 94: Santemo 109: Dancing Mack 114Coventry Queen 108 3 yr olds up: 1A Dere 103 Monkey 106: Adamile 113: 112: Triolet 100: Prince Pompey 113 Weather cloudy track faat Apprentice allowance claimed Detroit air Grounds Entries IRST 2 yr old maidens 5 fur: Sooty Chink 115 Maude 112 Mad Bud 115 Perfect One 116: Sakuntala 112: San Rafael 116: Handsome John 115: Wardell Ormont 115 Governor Bill Ila SECOND 3 yr olds up fl fur: Cloldo 107 Ladlno 116: Aunt lor Ill: Trag gat 107 Rlxla 105: Bmyere 107: Corida 102 Proud Princeaa 102: 99 Miller 102 Gay Blade 100 Sun Abbot 107 THIRD 3 yr olds up fl fur: 110: Sassenach 105: Broadstep 105: Luna Mica 105 Hermanlta 96: Renato sanee 113: Porter Call 101: 103 Hymarque 101 Handiean 3 yr olds un fur: Double 98 Kleva 112: Slanned 110 Lillie Dinah loot Crackle 109 Goldstcp 105 Wild Pigeon 102 (a)Bev Long sfrAHviv aj'ft wrara sfftwn RWTTW tn taai a4a Latter keen factor throughout held on well LONG JOHN suffered serious interfer ence at turn for hone but continued gamely and finished in close quarters next Inner rail PflPILLOTE raced forwardly and was going well on end HOWTIZ closed much ground Others tired THIRD RACE Purse 8400 for 3 yr olds and up maidens claiming fl fur: start gooo: won easily place handily went to Post at 3:19 at post two minutes Winner If Daniels' eh HOUSE BABY (3) by Baby Grand House Burned Trained by A DUCIlWBlUs 1UV KJ WlIHlCl) vvlvi sJJ AllUv 6 2 A 8 8 8 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 10 10 9 xy ii 11 3 32 I 4 Donpa 2 House Babv 1 32 mutuels paid House Baby 31200 3640 3500 Best Buck Date (mailed) ITH DAY JUNE 4 SUMMER BAINBRIDGE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION IRST RACE Purse 8400 for 2 yr old maidens claiming 5 fur start good from rate won handily place same went to post at 2:20 at post three minutes Winner Mrs Gib lens LADY PHARAMOND (i) by Pharamond II Nutbrown Maid urn in 1 1 2 1 3 4 Km si 8380: In" It was a sad day for followers of form out at Bainbridge yesterday afternoon even though two more doublers came romping home Sad it was because after Lady Pharamond a first starter had cracked down at 2 to 1 in the open ing dash for maiden two year olds there was nary a choice of the people that went over Halliard and North ern Sir capttirqd the fourth and fifth heats respectively at odds of close to 5 to 1 this despite the fact that they had already shown their liking for the track by winning once before there this meeting ronting the pack in thb featured six furlong Chagrin alls Handicap wm Sweep Like which just missel on opening day Second choice to the Butsy Hernandes entry of Wood lander and Moratorium the four year old offspring of Sweep and Lady Braxted didn't miss yesterday astest Time of Meet With a to 1 price tag on his nose the good colt burned up the first half mile in 45 4 5 seconds and finished the quarter in 1 :11 1 5 the fastest time of the meeting Careful' lest Woodlander collar his mount in the closing strides as he did Decora tion Day capable Jockey Joe Dyer had daylight behind him at all stages of the race Clang was second three lengths behind while the Hernandez entry of Moratorium and Wood lander were third and fourth In that order Lucky pickers of Toltec in the sec ond race and House Baby in the third collected the which amounted to 18300 for 2 the loftiest double price yet With Gold Tip a 9 to 1 risk winning and Lilac Bloom the favorite placing the quinella figures amounted to 826 for $2 Dyer pilot of Lady Pharamond and Sweep Like was the only two time winner and for once they finally stopped Leonard Turner leading rider of the meet ing without a victory Bainbridge Entries $400 3 yr oldg up fl furTraumagne 109 Brown Polly Miss Subtle 102 Instead 112 Doc Oiter ramcia iiz $400 3 yr oldi Up 6 fur: oecrei Mission loy Westystwinkle 111 Vladimir 114 Zaldee 109 Seb Ill $400 3 yr old up 5 fur: U1 UK 10111110 XI) air Ken 103 Hilduro Reason 109 Princess Patsy105 Storm 104Aerial Trumpet 109 Boggess 104 $400 3 yr olds up 6 Back 106 Mt Waihmgton 113 Moiras uox110 Zode 113 Soupcon 112 ITH $400 3 yr olds up mile and 113 Spaniard 108 108 Luek Piece 113 ii 108 Hykla SIXTH $400 3 yr olds up mile and 70 yards: Susie 102 I Transcall 103 Edgar Boy 108 Oaten 113 Trotwood 113 alsehood 113 El Cajon 108 I 8400 4 yr olda up mile and 70 yards: My Ione 102 Weeny 107 Visionary 112 Don Pabio 112 Temnle Dancer 102 Sweeping Grass 107 On Trial 112 I Discobolus 112 Weight allowance claimed Weather cloudy: track fast Bainbridge Selections (Universal Service Consensus) Brown Polly Patricia George Vladimir Sen Zaldee 3 Knockabout Dark Thoughts Ellhu Occult Soupcon Mt Washington WILD TRANSIT Lucky Piece Hr kins Transeall Edgar Boy Oaten 7 Temple Dancer Don Pablo On Trial Shaw and Nines Meet for 31st Time Shaw High and University School traditional rivals since 1905 will meet on the diamond for the 31st time this afternoon at University School ield The East Clevelanders' hold an advantage of 17 to 13 in the 30 times the two teams have met They did not play last year for Shaw had no team Tommy Adams who pitched the preppers to the Trl State League title last week when they defeated Buffalo Nichols will be on the mound while Dan Con way will catch SulJlvan and Eisen hut will be the Shaw battery 2 2 4 1 3 nk 7 41 10 Serapis Northern Miss Trained by A Miller 55 10 :24 :48 1:13 1:40 1:47 Horee add Jockey Wt PP St Str kin tNorthern Sir 112 fl 1 14 2 1 1 1 1 1 Pajttea Polk) 105 2 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 8ll1no 1 Trvlsmse 11 jt i tt Mr xs viawws (AUlllCl) ill ill Lo Minlstre (T Martin) l(9Prince Reno WLanr) 110 Loyal Louie (J Leyland) 112 16 7 3 J2 mutuels Northern' Sir 81240 8540 Urban 83 kSen lactor held on well during final test but barely ItSul'w eftor ln furonr and finished strongly JUDGE oiinwonbackandJrac5d vCloa? stretch then closed strongly SLrt eSrly DAVID showed fair effort PRINCE RENO finished with belated rush SIXTH Purse 8600 for three year olds and up handicap 8 furlongs: atart i placr wnt to post at 4:44 at Post two and one half min I Like (4) by Sweep Lady Braxted Trained up Chamberlin Value to winner 8435 MOO 850 8157 :24 45 1:11 Horse and Jockey Wt St str in Odds Sweep Like (J Dyer) 106 5 2 ll 11 1 4 1 3 1100 viaiir (a) Moratorium (H West) (a) Woodlander (L Turner) Dauntless Miss (J redericks) Delgado (J Leyland) (a)B Hernandez entry fcnh Overweights Dauntless Miss (2) Clang (1) Delgado (3) 82 mutuels Sweep Like 88 8640 8280 Clang 8840 S22O SWEEP LIKE easily best and was never threatened CLANG worked way up on opposition and outlasted MORATORIUM Latter had no mishaps WOOD LANDER could never get up DAUNTLESS MISS showed fair effort DELGADO was DBdly outrun SEVENTH Puree 8400 for three year olds and up claiming 8500 mile and 70 'w" driving went to post st 6:13 st post three and one halt minutes Winner Gold Tip ch (6) by Wlldemcss Coral Rock Trained iysikMlinaa' Vue 10 winncr' WW 55 310 :23 :48 1:13 Horse and Jockey Gold Tip (D Edwards) Lilac Bloom (redericks) Mayreen (J Dyer) Sun Mate (R Klein) Silver Blue (J Leyland) Trotwood (H West)Elizabeth ox (Shaw) Baritone Tice) Red Snider (L Turner)Apprentice allowance weight Scratched Jolly Rambler Oaten Overweights Red Spider (2) Elizabeth nx (6) Silver Blue (3) Gold Tip 82040 8560 $3 Lilac Bloom 8460 8280 Mayreen EwiWVe rnrn GOL11 AND BL00M PAIP txJrUwJ1 command after rounding far turn and held rae safe thereafter LILAC BLOOM moved ud strongly midway of back stretch and outstayed MAYREEN during final test Latter had no excuses SUN MATE finished resolutely Others tired or were outpaced DAILY LOUBLt rwTDLTEC AND HOUSE BABY PAID 133 Instead San Gaff 840 6 fur: Occult 108 Preferred 108 825 810 :23 :47 1:15 voce 8 530 820 613(1 26(1 35(1 I fl a II Ss4s U4 r4 'i 4 II la I I ara'ate)ii in i am a a aauracte a im mi ttew 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 'fl fl INHLDERS 1 1 2 fl 3 fl 4 4 5 0 8 6 CATCHERS 1 i fl 2 3 3 PITCHERS 1 i 2 a 4 4 5 INSTRUCTIONS NAME ths twenty players from each leagusta order of prsf S'enee USE the above style of ballot WRITE 50 word essay on "Why the All Star ame I Good Thing" Write the essay on one side of a sheet no larger than this ballot with yonr name address and eonntr on tho essay as well as on the ballot MAIL BOTH essay and ballot to ths ALL STAR Editor Plain Dealer Cleveland before Juno 32 io Rnslg I nnvA ern California at Los Angeles the 1 DUCKS LCRVC national Intercollegiates at Berkeley Cal and the national A A clas on 1 rack Jaunt 81c at Llncoln Neb 'mm MB Ji.

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.