The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

Bound In Korea 1 UN Korea. The INFANTRYMEN were headed ADVANCE for ACTORS atream spanned. by. blown out bridge, near Nayang, men the front and the fight to stem the Communist attack: State Schools For Men Facing Drastic Drops In Enrollment Virginia's and universities face. drastic drops in enrollments for the session of 1951-52 which begins.

next September, but student bodies should remain much the same size through the. remainder -of. the session now in progress. Congress holds the key' to "the manpower problems of the colleges, In Virginia as according to an article in the current issue of "The Commonwealth," magazine of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce. This article is on a survey: made by William H.

Wranek of the University of Virginia, with the help of information and public relations officers of Virginia's larger colleges and universities 1 for men. "If Universal Military Training 18 adopted and the draft age lowered to 18 years the blow to the colleges will be severe," the survey states. "At Washington and Lee, for ple, offictals expect that from a normal enrollment of. 1,200 there will be a drop of -700 next session if draft ages remain the same. If the age la lowered to 18 years, the, student body at W.

and may fall to 400 or less." V. SL L. Well Of "Colleges with ROTC units will better off, of course, than those that have -Thus -at Virginia Milltary Institute, where- all students are members of the cadet corps, the enrollment has not been reduced by the draft, and prospects are ising for still larger enrollment next fall. But V. M.

I. stands alone among Virginia colleges for men in expecting more students next fall. "In addition to V. M. I.

cadets ire training in reserve Institute, corps at Virginia Polytechnic the University of Virginia, the College of William and Mary and the Medical College of Virginta. Virginia: State College and Hampton Institute have reserve units for Negro officer candidates. "Some of the smaller colleges which are not coeducational and which had no military units ed to them can hardly look to the future with high hopes," the article, which adds that the Navy has announced plans to place tech-. nical programs for-enilated men in some smaller colleges in the event of total mobilization, and speculates that the Army and Air Force may have nometbing similar under consideration. a Of Virginia: "Virginia: Tech now bas the State's largest ROTC program with 924 men in basic courses and 419 in advanced courses.

"The University of Virginia has the State's only Naval ROTC unit, whose quota will he increased to about 400 men next fall. There are now two Army ROTC units at Charlottesville, Lion's largest Transportation Corps unit of 545 men, which will be Increased to 700 or more, and MedIcal Corps of 65 student doctors. rollment. la 'starting for the new Signal Corps which will have between 300. and 400 men In.

the fall Marine Corps has 35 reserve ofnicer candidates, and. juat an nounced reopening of platoon leaders class that will get its trains ing during the: summer. at Quaatico. "As it now stands the University of Virginia expects to have 1,500 men In reserve units next session, between-500 and 1.000 .000 civilian students." These Agures may be reduced if the new draft regulations take men from basic training In ROTC unita. Scouters Will Hold Round Table Monday The February Monticello District Scouters' Round Table will be held Monday in the Presbyterian Annex at the corner of Market and First Streets.

5- The meeting will start at 7:30 P. Make your home More BEAUTIFUL With Fine Furniture From Gilmore, Hamm Snyder DRUGS 5 PRESCRIPTION Open Use delivery our every service. prompt Sunday Chancellor's Drug Store Phone 2-4161 At The University Dial 2-5450 New Shipment! Spring Handbags i Serviceable plastic in black or navy. tax inc. only $3.60 Also nylon fabric drawstring pouch style bags in pastel shades.

Tax in. only, $2.40 $3.60 O. E. C. L.

HAWKINS Next Door To Jefferson Theatre Dial 2-5450 Briefs TUNER continues unsettled. rather marimum temperature minimum, Precipita. at the 1 this 34. Mi mala today; highest forecast: Cloudy, to 45 degrees the in coast; west de degrees near with a low of 35 to as fair And SKIS kaool services for the PLANNED Baptist Church Presbyterian be da 4 the 3 P.M Coverville tomorrow. AES POS of chicken pox were Joint Health Dea4 to this the morning.

Three were the only 3a this year, A Lillott, j18 Tenth 1s improving at the Hospital at is scheduled for menthe Kerwick Hunt Club and on morning. Riders wilt awemble, at 10:30 -i MELTING Growth, Circle of the the Church, CharlottesChurch, will meet Monday afternoon "HITAL Marion, of Waynesha patient at the University where he recently undera major operation. "ANCE MAN HONORED of W. Brown Jr. to 'Aces, nationwide organization of American a Imarance Company, has by James 8.

chairman of the company. I. Adams Wins rion Of Merit ad Gilbert Adama, of interrille, has been awarded of Merat for as a 4 the Artillery Section, Headm, Eighth Army, in Korea, aanounced today. of Boston and of West wow lists Charlottesville. a.

His wife two sons 125 Oxford Road, and his 101 la a senior: at Lane Ihool. station accompanying the Colonel Adams ba work during the period November 2, 1950, first for the movement of troops supplies from Japan to Korea, he waiting the Eighth Army dicer la Korea, on Septhe citation says, he pre4 Richly plan for attack. of artillery in a IT. Has Vital 3 Emergency pole 'of the Institute of 1 technology during the curwas brought out day Cotton Research C. concluded at PineDr.

Jack Compton director of the ITT, said of the and the meeting, which TIT. ataft was and ty the National Cotton F. They Cabarn, ate Dr. Compton, 1 Coplan T. La W.

Bailey and Dr. J. Li har pant and endowed by some Entitute, most important to improve the engaged In products of processing of which member have mills, with the government. war research discoveries of go Dr. directly into prodCompton point- 8.

PRINTING Letterheads Envelopes Statements lavitations Direct Mail treproduce Form SpecialistsPhoto-Offset anything- method. 4 Services, Inc. st, N. F. Tour Royal Dealer Acme Vote Goes For Local Union CIO Fails In Bid For Bargaining Rights Visible Records Production Union (independent) yesterday won bargaining rights for 352 produce tion of the Acme Visible Records Company plant at Crozet In National Labor Relations Board election contest with the United Steelworkers (CIO).

The vote was 182 for the pendent union, 149 for CIO union and 12 who voted for non union. Graham Tull, president of the independent union, said the suits were not contested. 9, John Pennello, regional director for was present for, the. election. The Independent union was formed in October of last year and will bargain, for the 352 production workers of the plant which employs cal and maintenance personnel.

about 500 persona, including cleriIn addition to Tull, other officers are George Cook, vice-president, of William F. Caldwell, secretary of Flabersville; and Robert Wood, treasurer, of Croset. The Acme plant was moved to Crozet last year from the Chicago area. It manufacturers office equipment. Arrest Is Made In Calhoun Company Break-In, Robbery Fingerprints found at the scene of the Calhoun Chevrolet Company break in January.

1... have bees identifed those of Otis Watkina Jr. Negro, a former resident of Charlottesville now held by Washington police for larceny of an automob Chief of Police J. E. Adams said morning that Watkins will be brought here as soon as he is released by Washington police.

Police records show $600 in cash and: $2.300 In checks were taken from the motor company at the time of the break-in. The building was entered through a store-room window. Adams said Washington police replied to a teletype message sent out moon after the break-in and reported that Watkins had: four $100 bills on him when they picked him up. The man's Angerprints were sent to the Federal Bureau of. Investigation for comparison with prints found at the motor company.

il A letter from J. Edgar Hoover, received yesterday by Chief Adama, reported the prints Soon after Watkins was picked up Police Detectives C. 'O. Durham and W. H.

Mayo went to Washington to question him but his attorney advised not" to talk. Beekeepers Will Meet Here Friday The spring meeting of the Albe marie Beekeeping Association will held in the basem*nt of the Post, Office Building next Friday. W. W. Duff, president of the association, said this morning that the topics of discussion will be of interest to fruit growers, truck gardeners, seed growers and ere as well as beekeepera.

The importance of the bee in the pollination of fruit and vegetables to produce greater quantities and better qualities of these plants will be the principal topic. The spring management of 1 been, In relation to the and handling of honey, will also be discussed. The public la invited. to 'attend the meeting, scheduled to start at 7:30 P. M.

Victim Of Tree Fall Improves At Hospital Bryant. Jarrell, 39, of Golddale, Orange County, was reported to be "getting along this morning at the University Hospital. He was brought in yesterday after tree fell across him. The trunk struck his abdomen. He underwent an operation last night.

James Pitco*ck, 14, of 219 Chancellor Street. was released from the hospital after treatment for back injury received when he was struck by an automobile at 14th Street and Virginia Avenue. "Spring into Fashion" In a pure silk print dress in various colors and designs. NOW AT THE 108 South First Street Dumping Areas Asked In Nelson Board Gets From Garden Club LOVINGSTON, Feb. 17 A quret that the Nelson County Hoard of Supervisors provide dumping areas in each of the four districts was raried by the board at the February! meeting.

Wrancaday. The request was made by Fred At. Horaley, representing the Nelson County tiarden Club. The matter was discussed but no tion was taken. A similar desire for dumps In.

Albrmarle (bounty resulted in a County. Planning Commission project to establish six county dumps. So far the dump have not horn arquired but the marle Ruritan Club and Rome prie vale citizens have been working with the planning to set up the dump system. Other matters dim used by the Nelson supervisors Wednesday ine cluded the proposed welfare department: budget for the fracal year ending June 30, submitted -by Mira. Eleanor Sherfey, auperintend: ent.

of welfare for Nelson County. budget totals portioned as from the county from the state $25,564 93; from the federal government $40,635 Action on. the budgel will be taken al later meeting. Nopaira For: John B. Whitehead, county farm demonstration agent, requested repairs for.

damages to the agrirultural building a fire. The board requested -1. 10. Mawyer, member of the board, lo bring in an eatimate of the costs at the next meeting: Mra; B. Barksdale Aussie, Mias Lary Parrish, and Mra, Leonard E.

Bowling, representing the Nelson County Teachers' Association, app peared before the buard with a quest that the county, provide tunds that the school bosru could adopt the state sick leave to. teachers, and that a salary based on length of service be adopted. Mins J. Gertrude Ligon ed the county to accept the title to the old fair grounds property to he uned for recreational purposes. Action on this was deferred.

The Board "of Supergiaore thorized the Nelson County Health Association to arrange. details for the formal opening. of the Health Center. Mra, John W. Whreler repeated request for funds for the Nelson County School Band.

G. bert Delk, repeated request for funds for the Nelson County Vol unteer Firemen. These requests were deferred until the budget la FOR SUPERIOR AMBULANCE 5 SERVICE PHONE Preddy's Funeral Home FRANK A. HAYNES Diel 2.7546 909 West Main St. WE MAKE THEM TO MEASURE! VENETIAN BLINDS We make venetian binds every type.

and shape window attractive Make your let Install venetian blinds for you! CALL. OR WRITE FOR FREE FATIMATT: Aluminum Awning Blind Inc. Rais 101 Drive Phone NOW! WALLS ME BANGING IS EAST. SAVES ANGERS SWIVEL ALL -PURPOSE JAM WALL HANGER PATURE MANGER metel. 10 pounds.

when Only MANGERS swivel pictures DISPLAYS PLANTS WHAT CHINA FIN UP LAMPS MAN PARTY DECORATIONS CHARLOTTE HARDWARE CO The Dally February 11, Defendant Held For Break-In He Can't Remember Did Arihir Luck draw a blank after accepting a. drink from, two strange He aurata he trmembers none at the incudents for which hr Pertified to the Corporation Fourt gland jury in Police 'Hirt today. Lark. Negro. of the 100) hink of Preston Avenue.

was certified this morning on charges of hirak. ing and entering in the with intent. to commit larceny. He was badly rut 'around the fare the night of February 10 when he walkInto the Forrest Street home of Elmer T. Shiftlett.

test find. this morning that' Luck appeared in his home tout A P. He- and he 'asked Luck what ho wanted And that Lurk replied he wanted. money. After a muffle In which sh*tflott was knorked to the floor.

the unwilling host pulled knife and. by alamhing him on the fair, Luck told the court this morning that he remembers none of the I said who- -had hern drinking the evening of the assault and that ho met two white men who offered him a drink. He salt that after the drink he remembers nothing until he was bring treated In the hospital for his fare Bond was st at $2,500. James Leroy Hangott, of Nashville, Tenn, was sentenced to days for vagrancy this morning. lie was also put under a $1,000 bond for 13 months which he will have to furnish if wishes to stay in! The Monday Council 2 Charlottesville City.

Council wit! consider a light docket when it meets regular" arasion Monday at o'clock. Only two minor items. were on the agenda today. 4 Oni: was the adoption of now rity license tax ordinance for 1951 and the other the presentation of the Joint Health Department budI set. The lirenan tax ordinance was given a thorough going over by Council in special three-hour xion Wednesday night.

Council. at, that tune approved several of which. will result in the waving of $22.50 annually to cach restaurant operator. (her changes made by Council in luded of' license for rates for storing and impounding. and slash of $100 in the fee fort I diaper service license, The license formerly.

enato An ordinance ordinarily requires two tradings for final adoption, one at which it is presented and the other at whirh a formal vote cast. However: Council can suspend the rules and adopt an ordinance at one sitting. It is expected to auspend the rules Monday and take Anal action on the tax ordinance; The health budget. will be sented Council for the Brat time Monday and no action in expected. Docket Is Light Adoption Of License Ordinance Expected Two Local Marines In Training Camps Information on two Area men who are serving in the Marine Corps was released today by.

scant Raymond O. Wilkerson, Matrine recruiter. Sorond Idcutenant David Walker Jr. I'SMCR. is undergoing training with the Serond Special! Basic Course.

of the Educational Center at, Quantico, 12-work course designed to augment the military duration of reserve ofticere for extended active duty, tenant Walker is the son. of Mr. and Mrs. D. R.

Walker, of 1105 Park Street. Private First Class John R. Proffitt, of Lovingaton, has just been promoted to. that grade after finish boot training at Parria lat land. S.

C. He was awarded the Marine sharpahonter badge- after qualifying with a sore of 211 out of a possible 250 with the M-1 rife. PFC Proffitt. son of Mr. and Mrs.

R. M. Proffitt, was enlisted in the Marine Corpa Reserve last Decrmber and ordered to active duty. and the Scouters will divide into three training groups after a halfhour Introductory period, Cubbing, Exploring and Scouting groups will discuss. their phases of scouting.

Training. with the ald of Sim strips, will be directed by district Scout leaders. All Adult Scout leaders, unit, committeemen, parents of Scouts, and other interested persona are urged to attend the round- LOFT THE AD-READING HABIT You Can Always Tell A Suit tailned By the LOOK E. the FIT 3 P-. 5 the FEEL 5 AH, 2.

I 1 Tiers take to pockets a one, lightweight wool, or worsted flannel. 10-20, 7-19 and new young proportioned plus sizes $50 You feet as tough you look like a rilllion a Handmacher sult -and you do. That's because Handmacher's are cut just-no-of the most wonderful wool fabrica, Tailored -down to the last perfect And" how they fit! You can feel it. others see it! And Handmacher's terrific values at little prices are just as famous as their fashion sense! 1 220 E. Main 4 A 1 -b 1: 4.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.