NB/T 11270-2023 英文版/外文版/翻译版 钛制压力容器 (2024)

NB/T 11270-2023 英文版/外文版/翻译版 钛制压力容器

NBT 11270-2023 英文版/外文版/翻译版 钛制压力容器


1 范围

1.1 本文件规定了钛制压力容器的材料、设计、制造、检验和验收要求,适用于壳体全部采用钛材制造的单层板焊(含管制筒体)压力容器。钛制常压容器的材料、设计、制造、检验和验收要求可参照本文件。
1.2 本文件适用于设计压力不大于35MPa 的钛制压力容器。
1.3 本文件适用的钛材,设计温度上限为315℃。
1.4 本文件所列的设计、计算方法适用于全部采用钛材制造的受压元件。钛制压力容器中采用非 钛材制造的部分应按相应材料的产品标准进行设计、计算。
1.5 本文件不适用于下列压力容器:
a) 设计压力低于0.1MPa 且真空度低于0.02 MPa的容器;
b) 《 移动式压力容器安全技术监察规程》管辖的容器;
c) 军事装备、核设施、航空航天器、铁路机车、海上设施和船舶以及矿山井下使用的压力容器;
d) 旋转或者往复运动的机械设备中自成整体或者作为部件的受压器室(如泵壳、压缩机外壳、涡轮机外壳、液压缸、造纸轧辊等);
e) 直接用火焰加热的容器;
f) 板式热交换器、螺旋板热交换器、空冷式热交换器、冷却排管;
g) 容积(扣除永久内件的几何容积)小于0.03 m³或内直径(非圆形截面指截面内边界最大几何尺寸)小于150 mm 的容器;
h) 做疲劳分析的容器。
1.6 容器范围的界定
1.6.1 容器与外部管道连接:
a) 焊接连接的第一道环向接头坡口端面;
b) 螺纹连接的第一个螺纹接头端面;
c) 法兰连接的第一个法兰密封面;
d) 专用连接件或管件连接的第一个密封面。
1.6.2 接管、人孔、手孔等的承压封头、平盖及其紧固件。
1.6.3 非受压元件与受压元件的连接焊缝。
1.6.4 直接连接在容器上的非受压元件,如支座、裙座等。
1.6.5 容器的超压泄放装置。
1.7 对不能按本文件确定结构尺寸的容器或受压元件,可以采用以下方法进行设计:
a) 采用验证性实验(如实验应力分析、验证性液压试验)分析设计,并符合GB/T150.1 的规定
b) 利用可比的已投入使用的结构进行对比经验设计,并符合 GB/T150.1 的规定;
c) 采用包括有限元法在内的应力分析计算和评定方法设计,并符合GB/T150.1 的规定。

2 规范性引用文件

GB/T 150.1 压力容器 第1部分:通用要求
GB/T 150.2 压力容器 第2部分:材料
GB/T 150.3 压力容器 第3部分:设计
GB/T 150.4 压力容器 第4部分:制造、检验和验收
GB/T 151 热交换器
GB/T 196 普通螺纹 基本尺寸
GB/T 197 普通螺纹 公差
GB/T 1804 一般公差 未注公差的线性和角度尺寸的公差
GB/T 2965 钛及钛合金棒材
GB/T 3620.1—2016 钛及钛合金牌号和化学成分
GB/T 3620.2 钛及钛合金加工产品化学成分允许偏差
GB/T 3621—2007 钛及钛合金板材
GB/T 3624—2010 钛及钛合金无缝管
GB/T 3625—2007 换热器及冷凝器用钛及钛合金管
GB/T 4842 氩
GB/T 4844 纯氦、高纯氦和超纯氦
GB/T 5193 钛及钛合金加工产品超声检验方法
GB/T 12337 钢制球形储罐
GB/T 12969.1 钛及钛合金管材超声波探伤方法
GB/T 12969.2 钛及钛合金管材涡流探伤方法
GB/T 16598—2013 钛及钛合金饼和环
GB/T 16749 压力容器波形膨胀节
GB/T 25198 压力容器封头
GB/T 31908 电弧焊和等离子焊接、切割用钨电极
HG/T 20592~20635 钢制管法兰、垫片、紧固件
NB/T 11025 补强圈
NB/T10558 压力容器涂敷与运输包装
NB/T 47002.3 压力容器用复合板 第3部分:钛-钢复合板
NB/T 47013.2 承压设备无损检测 第2部分:射线检测
NB/T 47013.3 承压设备无损检测 第3部分:超声检测
NB/T 47013.5 承压设备无损检测 第5部分:渗透检测
NB/T 47013.7 承压设备无损检测 第7部分:目视检测
NB/T 47013.8 承压设备无损检测 第8部分:泄漏检测
NB/T 47014 承压设备焊接工艺评定
NB/T 47016 承压设备产品焊接试件的力学性能检验
NB/T 47018.7 承压设备用焊接材料订货技术条件 第7部分:钛及钛合金焊丝和填充丝
NB/T 47019.8 锅炉、热交换器用管订货技术条件 第8部分:钛和钛合金
NB/T 47020~47027 压力容器法兰、垫片、紧固件
NB/T 47041 塔式容器
NB/T 47042 卧式容器

3 术语和定义

GB/T150.1、GB/T151 界定的以及下列术语和定义适用于本文件。
钛制压力容器 titanium pressure vessels
垫板 inserted strip
盖板 strip cover
压力加工 press working

4 通用要求

4.1 容器的设计、制造、检验和验收除应符合本文件的规定外,还应遵守国家颁布的有关法律、法规、规章和安全技术规范的要求。
4.2 TSG21 管辖范围内压力容器的设计和制造应接受特种设备安全监察机构的监察。


4.9 泄漏试验
4.9.1 泄漏试验包括气密性试验、氨检漏试验、氨检漏试验等,
4.9.5 气密性试验压力应为设计压力。
5 材料
5.1 通用要求

5.3 钛管
5.3.1 容器用 TA1G、TA2G、TA3G、TA8、TA8-1、TA9、TA9-1、TA10 非换热钛管应符合 GB/T 3624中 TA1、TA2、TA3、TA8、TA8-1、TA9、TA9-1、TA10钛管的规定;容器用 TA0、TA1、TA2 非换热钛管的室温力学性能应符合表3的规定,其他要求应符合GB/T3624的规定。5.3.2 热交换器用TA1G、TA2G、TA3G、TA9、TA10换热钛管应符合 NB/T 47019.8的规定;热交换器用TA9-1换热钛管的室温力学性能应符合GB/T3625的规定,其他要求应符合 NB/T 47019.8的规定;热交换器用TA0、TA1、TA2换热钛管的化学成分应符合GB/T3620.1规定,室温力学性能应符合表3的规定,其他要求应符合NB/T47019.8的规定。

5.4.2 制造受压元件的钛锻件,应按 NB/T 47013.5逐件进行 100%表面检测,【级合格;是否进行超声检测由设计单位根据使用要求确定。
5.4.3 需要进行耐腐蚀性能检验的钛锻件,应在材料订货时提出试验方法和合格指标。
5.5 钛棒
5.5.1 TA1G、TA2G、TA3G、TA9、TA10钛棒材应分别对应符合 GB/T2965中 TA1、TA2、TA3TA9、TA10 钛棒材的规定;TA0、TA1、TA2、TA3 钛棒材的化学成分应符合 GB/T 3620.1的规定室温力学性能应符合表5的规定,其他要求应符合GBT2965的规定。

5.8 钛材的使用
5.8.1 压力容器用钛材的许用应力见表 7~表 10。
5.8.2 钛材的许用设计温度压力容器用钛材及其焊接接头在压力容器中的许用设计温度上限为315℃,许用设计温度下限为-269℃。设计温度从-269℃到20℃时的许用应力一律取 20 ℃时的值。压力容器用钛材及其焊接接头在设计温度高于-60℃时,对钛材及其焊接接头的力学性能没有附加要求;当设计温度不高于-60℃时,应检验不高于设计温度下母材及焊缝金属的断后伸长率,并符合5.1.6中对断后伸长率的规定。
5.8.3 TA3、TA3G只用于制造不进行冷变形或冷变形量较小的构件,一般不用于制造筒体、封头等5.8.4 除非对开平板进行恢复性能热处理,否则不应选用TA3、TA3G、TA10(A类)开平板制造受压元件。
5.8.5 当选用TA10板制造受压元件时,应选用TA10的A类:

6.1 焊接接头结构设计的要求
钛容器焊接接头的结构设计应参照本文件附录D及GB/T150.3的规定6.2 钛容器零、部件的设计计算
6.2.1 钛容器的圆筒、球壳、封头、法兰、开孔与开孔补强、超压泄放装置和非圆形截面容器等的设计计算应分别按GB/T150.3中有关规定:钛制热交换器的设计计算可按GB/T151中有关规定:密封结构可参照GB/T150.3中的有关规定。
6.2.4钛制设备法兰、管法兰可分别参照NB/T47020~47027与HG/T 20592~20635确定结构尺寸,按钛材性能参数进行计算或校核。
6.3 超压泄放装置本文件适用范围内的容器,在操作过程中有可能出现超乐时,应按GB/T1501的规定设置超压泄放装置。
7 制造、检验和验收
7.1 总则
7.1.1 钛制容器的制造、检验和验收依据 钛制容器的制造、检验和验收除应符合本文件和设计文件规定外,还应符合下列规定:钛制热交换器、塔式容器、卧式容器的制造、检验和验收还应符合GB/T150.4及GB/Ta)151、NB/T47041和 NB/T 47042 的规定:

7.9 热气循环试验
7.9.1 当设计文件要求时,采用钛复合板制作管板、管箱的热交换器可进行热气循环试验。
7.9.2 热气循环试验应在耐压试验合格后、最终泄漏试验前进行。
7.9.3 热气循环试验的操作 热气循环试验一般采用干燥洁净的空气、氮气或其他惰性气体作为试验介质。 热气循环试验可取设计温度与设计压力组合或操作温度与操作压力组合作为试验参数;升压、升温和降压、降温顺序及速率宜按容器操作要求确定。其中,升温、降温速率宜不低于容器操作要求。对多腔容器,应按试验时覆层应力与操作时的应力相当的原则确定试验参数。

7.9.4 热气循环试验完成后,应按设计文件要求对指定焊接接头进行表面检测和/或泄漏试验。对发现的缺陷和泄漏部位应进行必要的补焊,并对该部位采用原检测方法进行表面检测和/或泄漏试验,直至合格。
7.10 钛制容器出厂前的表面处理
7.10.1 钛制容器出厂前的表面处理应符合NB/T10558的规定。
7.10.2 当设计文件要求进行化学酸洗时,容器内部钛材表面应进行酸洗,处理完成后用清水冲洗
7.10.3 当设计文件要求做铁污染检查时,应对要求检查的钛材表面进行铁污染检查,直至合格。
7.10.4 若设计文件要求,钛制容器接触介质的表面可进行阳极化处理。阳极化处理可代替化学酸洗。
7.10.5 在容器装箱运输前,如果钛表面有油污,应用酒精擦拭表面,直至干净为止。
7.11 钛制容器出厂要求
7.11.1 出厂资料 制造单位应向容器采购方提供出厂资料;对容器使用有特殊要求时,还应提供使用说明书。

Titanium pressure vessels

1 Scope

1.1 This document specifies the material, design, manufacturing, inspection and acceptance requirements for titanium pressure vessels. It is applicable to single-layer plate welded pressure vessels (including pipe tubes) with their shells entirely made of titanium. This document may apply to the material, design, manufacturing, inspection and acceptance requirements for titanium atmospheric vessel by reference.

1.2 This document is applicable to titanium pressure vessels with design pressure not greater than 35MPa.

1.3 For titanium materials to which this document applies, the design temperature is up to 315℃.

1.4 The design and calculation methods listed in this document are applicable to pressure element made entirely of titanium. The parts of titanium pressure vessels made of non-titanium materials shall be designed and calculated according to the product standards of corresponding materials.

1.5 This document is not applicable to the following pressure vessels:

a) vessels with a design pressure lower than 0.1MPa and a vacuum degree lower than 0.02MPa;

b) vessels under the jurisdiction of Supervision regulation on safety technology for transportable pressure vessel.

c) pressure vessels used for military equipment, nuclear installations, aerospace vehicles, railway locomotives, offshore installations and ships, and those used underground in mines;

d) compressor chambers (e.g. pump casing, compressor casing, turbine casing, hydraulic cylinder, papermaking roll, etc.) in rotating or reciprocating mechanical equipment as a whole or as components;

e) vessels heated by flame directly;

f) plate heat exchanger, spiral plate heat exchanger, air-cooled heat exchanger and cooling pipe;

g) vessels with the volume capacity (the geometric volume with permanent internals deducted) less than 0.03m3 or inside diameter (the maximum geometric size of inner section boundary for vessels with non-circular section) less than 150mm;

h) vessels for fatigue analysis.

1.6 Definition of vessel range

1.6.1 Connection between the vessel and the external tube:

a) the groove end face of the first girth joint of welded connection;

b) the end face of the first threaded joint of threaded connection;

c) the first flange sealing surface of flanged connection;

d) the first sealing surface of connection by special connecting piece or pipe fittings.

1.6.2 The pressure seal heads, flat covers and fasteners of nozzles, manholes and handholes.

1.6.3 The connection welds between pressure elements and non-pressure elements.

1.6.4 Non-pressure elements directly connected to the vessels, such as supports and skirt.

1.6.5 Over pressure relief device.

1.7 Vessels or pressure elements with the structural dimensions that cannot be determined in accordance with this document may be designed by the following methods:

a) adopt verification test (such as experimental stress analysis, verification hydraulic test) to analyze and design, and comply with GB/T 150.1;

b) conduct comparative experience design by the comparable structure that have been used, and comply with GB/T 150.1;

c) adopt stress analysis, calculation and assessment including finite element method, and comply with GB/T 150.1.

2 Normative references

The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

GB/T 150.1 Pressure vessels - Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 150.2 Pressure Vessels - Part 2: Materials
GB/T 150.3 Pressure vessels - Part 3: Design
GB/T 150.4 Pressure vessels - Part 4: Fabrication, inspection and testing, and acceptance
GB/T 151 Heat exchangers
GB/T 196 General purpose metric screw threads - Basic dimensions
GB/T 197 General purpose metric screw threads - Tolerances
GB/T 1804 General tolerances - Tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without individual tolerance indications
GB/T 2965 Titanium and titanium alloy bars
GB/T 3620.1-2016 Designation and composition of titanium and titanium alloys
GB/T 3620.2 Titanium and titanium alloy permissible variations of chemical composition for wrought product analysis
GB/T 3621-2007 Titanium and titanium alloy plate and sheet
GB/T 3624-2010 Titanium and titanium alloy seamless tubes
GB/T 3625-2007 Titanium and titanium alloy tube for condensers and heat exchangers
GB/T 4842 Argon
GB/T 4844 Pure helium, high pure helium and ultra pure helium
GB/T 5193 Method of ultrasonic inspection for wrought titanium and titanium alloy products
GB/T 12337 Steel spherical tanks
GB/T 12969.1 Method of ultrasonic inspection for titanium and titanium alloy tubes
GB/T 12969.2 Method of eddy current inspection for titanium and titanium alloy tubes
GB/T 16598-2013 Titanium and titanium alloy disc and ring
GB/T 16749 Bellows expansion joints for pressure vessel
GB/T 25198 Heads for pressure vessels
GB/T 31908 Tungsten electrodes for arc welding and plasma welding and cutting
HG/T 20592~20635 Steel pipe flanges, gaskets and bolting
NB/T 11025 Reinforcing pad
NB/T 10558 Coating and packing for pressure vessels transport
NB/T 47002.3 Clad plate for pressure vessel - Part 3: Titanium-steel clad plate
NB/T 47013.2 Nondestructive testing of pressure equipment - Part 2: Radiographic testing
NB/T 47013.3 Nondestructive testing of pressure equipment - Part 3: Ultrasonic testing
NB/T 47013.5 Nondestructive testing of pressure equipment - Part 5: Penetrant testing
NB/T 47013.7 Nondestructive testing of pressure equipment - Part 7: Visual examination
NB/T 47013.8 Nondestructive testing of pressure equipment - Part 8: Leakage testing
NB/T 47014 Welding procedure qualification for pressure equipment
NB/T 47016 Mechanical property tests of product welded test coupons for pressure equipment
NB/T 47018.7 Specification of welding materials for pressure equipment - Section 7: Titanium and titanium-alloy welding electrodes and rods
NB/T 47019.8 Purchase technical specification for boiler & heater exchanger tubes - Part 8: Titanium and titanium alloy
NB/T 47020~47027 Flanges, gaskets and stud bolts & nut for pressure vessels
NB/T 47041 Vertical vessels supported by skirt
NB/T 47042 Horizontal vessels on saddle supports

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 150.1 and GB/T 151 and the following apply.

titanium pressure vessels
pressure vessels with their shells entirely made of titanium

inserted strip
metal pieces placed under a strip cover or lining, most of which are embedded in the machining grooves of clad plates or lined vessel shells, so that they are level with adjacent cladding or lining

strip cover
corrosion-resistant metal pieces which cover the coating of clad plates or lining of lined containers and are connected by fillet welding

press working
production method for obtaining raw materials, blanks or finished products with certain shape, size and mechanical properties by using the plastic deformation of metals under the action of external force

4 General requirements

4.1 The design, manufacturing, inspection and acceptance of the vessels shall not only meet the requirements of this document, but also meet those of relevant laws, regulations and safety technical codes issued in China.

4.2 The design and manufacturing of the pressure vessels under the jurisdiction of TSG 21 shall be under the supervision of the safety supervision organization of special equipment.

NB/T 11270-2023 英文版/外文版/翻译版 钛制压力容器 (2024)


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