If only you knew - Chapter 19 - Willowmoon81 (2024)

Chapter Text

The next day I felt like I had to do something, ‘cause he hadn’t texted me goodmorning or goodnight.

I drove to their apartment and Nick let me in.

“He’s downstairs”

I walked down the stairs and knocked on the door “Nick go away i don’t wanna talk about it” he said “It’s me..” i said and there was silence for a second “Come in”

I opened the door and it was kinda dark, though it was midday.

He was in his bed, back turned to the door. I closed it and walked over on the other side where he was facing.

I kinda kneeled down beside the bed and he looked at me. I could tell he had been crying.

“I’m sorry..” I said “I really mean it. I am so so sorry…I didn’t mean to yell at you…” i said and he sat up.

He didn’t say anything so I just sat with him “I was a bitch i know, I can’t guarantee it won’t happen again. But I need you to know that I was not mad at you. I never am, it’s my head that’s f*cked and i let it out on you. I'm so sorry”

He was looking down. I lifted his face up, making him look at me.

Then I grabbed his hand and kissed it and kissed up his arm “I’m sorry, I'm sorry” I repeated until I reached his neck and placed little kisses all over his face.

He finally smiled, laughing softly “Okay okay fine” he said making me sit back and look at him.

“I just- you made me feel like you didn’t want me around. And I’ve never felt that from you before…” he said, making my heart ache.

“And you never have to, because I do. I always want you around okay? I was frustrated and annoyed with myself and the situation. And I let it out on you… I apologise for that. But don’t ever feel like I don’t want you around, because I do..you’re my favourite person to be around” i explained and he smiled softly.

“Well..thank you for explaining it. I was just scared you were mad at me or that i did something” he said. I lifted his chin again “Aw Chris honey…I don’t think i could ever actually be mad at you. You did absolutely nothing wrong. And you even called Nessa..” i smiled.

“Yeah because I had a feeling it was because of your anxiety, but I was still hurt so I needed her to check on you” he explained “And I’m so thankful for that…” I said and he nodded.

“Oh Chris I'm so sorry” I just reached over and pulled him so tightly into my arms. He hugged me back even tighter.

“I don’t like it when we fight..” he said after a bit “Me neither” i smiled and pulled back kissing him softly.

I was at home trying to find an outfit, for a party that weekend, when Chris came over.

I was standing in the mirror, having a slight mental breakdown over it.

“Hi baby” he walked up and kissed my cheek, before sitting down on my bed. He continued to scroll on his phone.

“Does this look bad?” I asked, having put on another top “Hm?” He looked up “Do i look okay?” I asked turning to face him.

“Luna…respectfully you look so f*cking hot” he smirked “You sure..?” I turned back to the mirror.

“I wanted this set because Neima got it, and Rachel had a similar one…it just doesn’t look as good” I said and he looked back up and I think it clicked what i meant.

“Ava…you know I just mindlessly scroll and like sometimes. It’s just to be polite when we see them at events and stuff” he sat up at the end of my bed “But you’re still looking at them…they’re so pretty”

“Come over here” he grabbed my hand, taking me away from the mirror, facing him.

I stood kinda in between his legs and he placed his hands on my waist “I truly mean it, you are the most beautiful girl i know. I remember telling Nick, when you first transferred. I was so nervous while talking to you at first because I thought you were so pretty” he explained and I couldn’t help but smile a little, the tears going away.

“Of course I had to kinda keep it lowkey, but now that you’re actually mine I can tell you. You are so beautiful Luna, so hot I'm slightly scared whenever you go out without me” he said making me chuckle “You really think so?” I asked .

“Oh I know it, everyone knows it. So wear whatever the f*ck you want. It’ll look gorgeous because it's on you” he said and I just crumbled, and sat down on his lap.

“Look” he turned my head and made me look at us in the mirror “So gorgeous…” he turned my head back and kissed me slowly.

“So what I'm hearing is, I just go naked?” I said, making him smile “As long as you don’t leave your apartment then yea” he said.

“I might just start an only fans” i said making his eyes widden “I’m kidding” i smiled “You'd make bag tho” he chuckled “Yeah i think so too, that’s my plan b” i kissed his cheek standing up “whats plan a?” He asked “Marry someone rich”

“So I’m just not in that?” He said smiling “You have time to get there” I smirked.


I was so excited. We were going to this big party at David's house again and I just really needed a party. I had been kinda doubting things lately and I needed to clear my head. Chris and I had been fighting a lot and I just didn’t really know what to do.

I wore a little black dress and matched with Nessa. We even took pictures before we went.

Unfortunately Chris had a meeting about his brand the next morning, so he couldn’t come. But Matt and Nick were there. Matt being our designated driver.

I had gotten a couple drinks and we had been there for a few hours.

Nessa and I had just played beer pong against some guys. “I’m gonna go pee, I’ll be right back” I told her and she held my drink.

I went and found the nearest bathroom.

Once I was done and about to walk out, some guy appeared around a corner.

“Where are you going sweetheart?” He asked “Just back to my friends” I smiled awkwardly trying to get past him “Why don’t we talk for a bit?” He asked, backing me up against the wall.

“Oh no thank you i really need to get back” i said “No I don’t think you do”

He pinned me to the wall “Stop” I said, trying to move him away.

One of his hands went up my thigh, almost getting under my dress “Get off! Please!”

I felt like i was dying, his grip was so strong, even though he wasn’t that big.

“Dude, she told you to get off” I looked over and saw Matt approaching.

The guy paused and looked back at him “This is your rescuer?” The guy still had a grip on me.

“Dude she told you to get off, stop f*cking touching her!” Matt grabbed his arm that had been on my leg, so that I could move away.

He looked back, and kinda covered me with his arm until I was free.

“Don’t f*cking grab my arm” the guy ripped his arm back “Seriously slu*t? Is this skinny motherf*cker gonna protect you?”

The words barely left his mouth before Matt had punched him to the ground. One punch, and he was on the floor.

A guard appeared almost immediately and dragged the guy out.

Matt quickly turned back to me and I hadn't realised I had been crying.

“sh*t i’m so sorry, are you okay? He didn’t get to hurt you anywhere right..?” He asked, looking so scared for me. I just shook my head, kinda still in shock.

He very hesitantly placed a hand on my shoulder “I’m glad I came when I did, I’ve heard about that guy. He definitely wouldn’t have stopped” he said “H-He tried to put his hand u-under my dress and i c-couldn’t-“

“Luna, Luna it’s okay. He’s long gone okay? They took care of him. He won’t hurt you again..” he said softly caressing my shoulder.

I just fell apart and walked a step closer to him, into his arms. Once he realised it was okay, he wrapped his arms around me so tightly “I'm so sorry you had to experience that…” he rubbed my back, holding the back of my head.

“Unfortunately not the first time..” I sniffled into his shoulder, and he just squeezed me.

“I can’t believe you punched someone..” I smiled, pulling back after a little while, and looking up at him “Yeah me neither, it hurt more than i had imagined” he smiled softly and put his hand up to look at it.

His knuckles were all bloody and bruised “Holy sh*t..” I said and kinda took his hand “I'm sorry, that looks like it hurts a lot…” I looked back up at him “Well it was worth it..” he smiled softly.

I just felt so safe. I reached up and softly cupped his cheek “Matty..I can’t believe you punched someone for me….”i smiled.

“Are you sure you’re okay..?” He asked, going back to being protective “I’m….breathing. So yea” i smiled and he still looked concerned.

“No but you came at a great time, he barely got to do anything. So I’m okay. I promise” i smiled, wiping my eyes.

“Okay, you wanna go home…? I mean I’ll take you home home if you want that too” he said.

“Yeah, but I’d like to go to yours” I said “Oh right; Chris is at home” he said as we started walking.

“Sure but I just wanna be where i feel safe….And right now that’s with you” that mde him kinda pause.

He looked at me for a second. Matt always had such a way of looking at people without a word but still somehow saying thousands.

He softened completely, but then took in a breath “Okay, then we’re going home” he smiled.

As we reached the crowd, we both kinda tensed.

Matt hated crowds, almost as much as I did.

He took one look out “I know there’s a lot of people, but Just hold onto me okay?” He said and my heart jumped.

The fact that he put his own anxiety away, to make me feel safe and walk first, was everything “Okay” I reached down his arm and held onto his hand.

I could tell he wasn’t expecting that, but not complaining either.

He started walking through the huge crowd of people. He kept checking back on me and held me close.

We finally made it out to where the cars were. Luckily ours was parked a bit down the street, so there weren’t any people.

“I’ll call Nick” Matt said, still holding onto my hand, as we stood next to the car.

“Hi, uhm some guy tried to force himself on Luna so we left. We're out by the cars if you wanna go home with us now”

I knew he would probably drive me home and all the way back if Nick didn’t wanna leave. He’s always been like that.

“Alright okay” he hung up “He’ll be right out, he just had to say goodbye to some people” Matt said “Okay” i said, still kinda out of it.

A group of guys walked out of the driveway and kinda looked at us. I suddenly felt very bare in my dress.

Matt noticed immediately.

He opened the door and grabbed the jacket he had been wearing earlier “Here” he smiled warmly and helped me get it on “Thank you…how’s your hand?” I asked.

“Oh, it’s fine. I’ll just put some ice on it, once we get home” he said looking at it like it was nothing.

I kinda took it again “I never thought about the fact that it hurts to punch someone, as well as being punched” i said “Eell neither did I before i was experiencing it” he smiled.

“Do you want these off? If your hand swells or something” i said grazing over the two rings he always wears “I’ll just lose them in the car probably”

“Here” I very gently held his hand and slipped them off. They were a bit big, but I fit one of my thumb and one on my middle finger. “I’ll hold them” I smiled looking up at him.

He was just watching me, once again I could tell there were a million things running through his head, that he’d never say out loud.

“Guys!” Nick came running and we kinda took a step back from each other.

“Omg Luna are you okay? I’m so sorry I was upstairs, some sh*t went down I’ll tell you on the way. But let’s get you home safe” Nick said and ran up to hug me “I’m okay” i smiled and we got in the car.

As Matt was starting to drive, Nick gasped “Holy sh*t what happened to your hand?” Nick asked “I told you some guy tried to do sh*t to Luna” Matt said, like it was nothing.

“You punched someone? You? Matthew Sturniolo?” Nick was just in disbelief and looked back at me.

I just smiled knowingly “And it was a good punch too. The guy fell down from it” i told Nick and he gasped again “Holy sh*t. Okayy Matt slay. That bitch deserved it” Nick said patting Matts shoulder.

We got home and as we were parking, Nick had already gotten out.

Matt kinda paused as he looked down at my legs.

My dress had ridden up, and you could see fingerprints bruised on my inner thigh “Luna…” he said and I looked down at it.

My mind kinda went blank and I couldn’t breathe.

“It’s okay, you’re safe now okay?” He said, but I wasn’t really listening.

He got out and ran to my side ,opening the door, offering his hand “C'mon let’s get you inside”

I took his hand and we walked inside.

“You wanna talk to Chris?” He asked “No, he’s got that early meeting. I don’t wanna bother him”

“Nick, can you take out a Pepsi?” Matt asked as we walked towards his room.

He went to his closet and quickly found some clothes for me to wear.

“Here” he went to walk out and close the door. But I grabbed onto his hand.

“Don’t go far..” i said, he softened “I won’t” he hesitantly let go of my hand “I’ll keep the door like this okay?” He left it open a couple inches and took a couple steps into the hallway.

I was kinda shaking, taking off the dress. But it felt so much better to wear something else. And especially, when it smelled like home.

I slipped the hoodie over my head and walked out “You good?” He asked, and I nodded, following him into the kitchen.

Nick immediately noticed as well, that I wasn’t really okay “Here, it’s ice cold. We got some sour patch kids if you want?” He placed a hand on my back and handed me the soda “Thank you, and I’m okay” I told him and went to sit on the couch.

“Grab them anyway, her favourite oreos too” I heard Matt whisper, before following me.

We sat down and I felt like it really helped to just talk.

So Nick explained how apparently Larrays ex boyfriend was there and was f*cking some girl in the bathroom.

By the end, I was actually laughing and had taken a couple oreos.

“No omg i love Cars!” I said excitedly “We can watch it, if you want?” Matt said and Nick looked so excited too.

We all went to his room. I laid in the middle and got under the covers. I had stopped shaking and was feeling a lot more comfortable.

“Oh before I forget” I took the rings off, handing them to Matt. Nick looked over a bit suspiciously “Thanks” he put them on his nightstand.

We had gotten him some ice for his hand and it looked a lot better already.

About halfway through the movie I fell asleep on Nick.

Matt point of view:

The next morning I was the first one up.

I heard footsteps and one knock on my door.

As I went to get up, I noticed that Luna was holding onto my arm, though she was asleep on Nick. It hurt to let go of her, but I had to.

I quickly got up, not to wake her and Nick.

Chris was out there, looking so confused.

We walked into the kitchen.

“What the f*ck happened to you guys last night?” He asked “This guy, you know Avery, something Sab told us about?. He tried to force himself on Luna-“

“What?” He quickly lowered his voice “Is she okay? Omg did he do anything to her?” He asked, looking stressed.

“He grabbed her pretty hard, but I got there before it got too bad. Though she was still really shaken up” i told him.

“You-“ he looked down at my hand “You punched him? Well of course you did, but I never thought you were capable of that” he said Me neither” i said but then I could tell he was overthinking it.

“But you shouldn’t have. I'm her boyfriend. I should've been there to do that” he said.

“Well no offence, but you haven’t really been the greatest boyfriend lately anyway”

“Excuse me?” He said “Like I haven’t heard you guys fighting and her leaving here crying over the last two weeks”

“That’s between me and Luna okay? Nobody did anything wrong” he said defensively “I don’t care actually. But you weren’t there unfortunately. But she is okay. Physically anyway” i said.

“Why the f*ck didn’t you guys wake me up?” He asked “You had your important meeting, I asked her, but she said she didn’t wanna bother you” I explained and he looked so guilty.

We heard soft footsteps, coming down the hallway “Matt?” She asked, before she reached the kitchen.

She kinda lit up seeing Chris “How’d the meeting go?” She asked, walking up to hug him.

“Great the deal went through, but that doesn’t matter. Matt told me what happened, are you okay?” He asked her “Yeah i'm fine now, a little traumatised but I'm okay” she smiled.

“Good, I'm so sorry I wasn’t there,” he said, hugging her tightly.

“That’s okay” she looked over at me, as she hugged him.

Then Nick woke up too “God you guys are loud” he said annoyed, going to grab a soda making us all laugh.

If only you knew - Chapter 19 - Willowmoon81 (2024)


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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.