Best of Clean Simple Eats Recipe Book (2024)

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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Best of Clean Simple Eats is A Macro-Based Cookbook! We surveyed our CSE Squad, our friends and our family to help us choose these can’t-live-without-favorites. From brekkie to dinner (and everything in between), each recipe is macro-balanced, family-friendly and guaranteed to leave you drooling. Oh, and we've even added prep times, cook times and pro tips! All of this goodness is packed into a beautiful coffee table style book that is perfect for gifting.Recipes: This book is stacked with over 150 mouth-watering recipes!Breakfasts: Shakes & Smoothies, Oatmeals, Pancakes & Waffles, SavorySnacks: Crunchy, Savory Snacks, Parfaits & Fruit Dips, Muffins, Power BitesEntrees: Soups, Salads & Sandwiches, Tex-Mex, Pizza & Pasta, Comfort FoodDesserts: Breads & Rolls, Brownies & Bars, Cakes & Crumbles, Cookies, Party Treats PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Best of Clean Simple Eats is A Macro-Based Cookbook! We surveyed our CSE Squad, our friends and our family to help us choose these can’t-live-without-favorites. From brekkie to dinner (and everything in between), each recipe is macro-balanced, family-friendly and guaranteed to leave you drooling. Oh, and we've even added prep times, cook times and pro tips! All of this goodness is packed into a beautiful coffee table style book that is perfect for gifting.Recipes: This book is stacked with over 150 mouth-watering recipes!Breakfasts: Shakes & Smoothies, Oatmeals, Pancakes & Waffles, SavorySnacks: Crunchy, Savory Snacks, Parfaits & Fruit Dips, Muffins, Power BitesEntrees: Soups, Salads & Sandwiches, Tex-Mex, Pizza & Pasta, Comfort FoodDesserts: Breads & Rolls, Brownies & Bars, Cakes & Crumbles, Cookies, Party Treats ${flavorMixingTitles[index]} MIXING 101: AMAZING BENEFITS Highest Ingredient Standards ${ facts.subtitle } Supplement Facts TIKTOK VIRAL Stack it with FAQs References

Best of Clean Simple Eats Recipe Book (1)

Best of Clean Simple Eats Recipe Book (2)



Flavor Best Of Clean Simple Eats

` } digitalRecipeBookRef.append( `

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${ digitalRecipeSection }

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    ").text(flavorVideoHeading), $("

    Best of Clean Simple Eats Recipe Book (20)

    Best of Clean Simple Eats Recipe Book (21)



    Stack it with

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    Protein Powder: Simply Vanilla (30 Serving Bag)


    • Protein Powder: Simply Vanilla (30 Serving Bag)
    • Protein Powder: Brownie Batter (30 Serving Bag)
    • Protein Powder: Chocolate Peanut Butter (30 Serving Bag)
    • Protein Powder: Mint Chocolate Cookie (30 Serving Bag)
    • Go To Protein Powder: Simply Vanilla (30 Serving Bag)

    Simply Vanilla

    Protein Powder Variety Pack (10 Single Serving Stick Packs)


    • Protein Powder Variety Pack (10 Single Serving Stick Packs)
    • Protein Powder: Brownie Batter (30 Serving Bag)
    • Protein Powder: Chocolate Peanut Butter (30 Serving Bag)
    • Protein Powder: Mint Chocolate Cookie (30 Serving Bag)
    • Go To Protein Powder Variety Pack (10 Single Serving Stick Packs)

    Variety Pack

    Greens: Peachy Greens Mix (30 Servings)


    • Greens: Peachy Greens Mix (30 Servings)
    • Greens: Raspberry Lemonade Super Greens Mix
    • Greens: Tropical Super Greens Mix
    • Greens: Sweet Lemon Super Greens Mix
    • Go To Greens: Peachy Greens Mix (30 Servings)

    Peachy Greens

    Protein Powder: Brownie Batter (30 Serving Bag)


    • Protein Powder: Brownie Batter (30 Serving Bag)
    • Protein Powder: Simply Vanilla (30 Serving Bag)
    • Protein Powder: Chocolate Peanut Butter (30 Serving Bag)
    • Protein Powder: Mint Chocolate Cookie (30 Serving Bag)
    • Go To Protein Powder: Brownie Batter (30 Serving Bag)

    Chocolate Brownie Batter

    Greens: Raspberry Lemonade Super Greens Mix


    • Greens: Raspberry Lemonade Super Greens Mix
    • Greens: Tropical Super Greens Mix
    • Go To Greens: Raspberry Lemonade Super Greens Mix

    Raspberry Lemonade

    ©2024, Clean Simple Eats


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    Best of Clean Simple Eats Recipe Book (2024)


    Is Clean Simple Eats a good brand? ›

    With Clean Simple Eats protein powder, I feel confident that I'm not just giving my family something that tastes good but something that contributes to their overall well-being. It's gluten-free, made with high-quality ingredients, and has no added junk – a clean, simple choice for a busy mom like me.

    Who owns Clean Simple Eats? ›

    Clean Simple Eats is on a mission to elevate lives through food and fitness. Our founders, Erika and JJ, have rocked the clean eating scene by creating macro-balanced meal plans, delicious recipes, and the best-tasting protein powders and supplements on the planet.

    Does Clean Simple Eats do Black Friday sales? ›

    What are the best sale events at Clean Simple Eats? The best days to shop at Clean Simple Eats for online shoppers in the US are New Year's Day, Presidents Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Halloween, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday.

    Can you lose weight on Clean Simple Eats? ›

    The percentage you choose will determine the RATE at which you'd like to lose it. In the Clean Simple Eats App, we give the option for weight loss at different deficits (between 10-30%); 10% being moderate and slower, 30% being more aggressive and quick.

    Is Clean Simple Eats FDA approved? ›

    FDA standards are the minimum requirement here at Clean Simple Eats. From there, we've built rigorous testing protocols with certified third-party labs, stringent vetting processes into each and every ingredient, suppliers and manufacturers.

    How long have Clean Simple Eats been around? ›

    Clean Simple Eats was founded in 2015.

    What is the best tasting protein powder? ›

    A comparison of the best-tasting protein powders
    Price rangeSweetener
    Transparent Labs Whey Isolate$$stevia
    mindbodygreen grass-fed whey isolate+$$$monk fruit
    Naked Whey$coconut sugar
    Ora Organics So Lean & So Clean$$• stevia • monk fruit
    1 more row
    Mar 28, 2024

    Does Clean Simple Eats have dairy? ›

    Our Super Greens Mix, Energy Drink Mix, Hydrate Drink Mix, Antioxidants, and Flavored Nut Butters are also plant-based and do not naturally contain sources of gluten or dairy.

    Is clean simple eat keto? ›

    Coming in at a net 2 grams of carbs. Clean Simple Eats can be considered for individuals doing a keto diet. The ingredients are all from natural sources. The two sweeteners used in Clean Simple Eats protein are Monk Fruit and Stevia Leaf Extract.

    How do Clean Simple Eats work? ›

    This is a “Macro-Based” meal plan, meaning EVERY recipe has a balanced macronutrient ratio of 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. This 40/30/30 approach has been proven time and time again to offer balance and lifelong sustainability.

    Is Clean Simple Eats pregnancy safe? ›

    If you're a pregnant or a nursing mama, you're probably wondering if our Clean Simple Eats meal plans are safe for you to use, and the answer is YES! There have been many mamas out there who have found success with our meal plans while pregnant or nursing.

    Is clean simple eats protein safe? ›

    Every single batch of our products is tested for precision, potency, and purity, including contaminants like microbes, heavy metals, pathogens, and pesticides in ISO-certified labs. Annually, we screen all products for supplement fact verification and allergens (including gluten, diary, peanut, and soy).

    Are clean eats good for you? ›

    Clean foods fill your body with plentiful vitamins and minerals, high-quality protein and healthy fats, which improve heart and brain health, assist with weight management, build a stronger immune system and increase energy levels, among other benefits. Foods in their natural state are more flavorful.

    What do Clean Simple Eats do for you? ›

    We've put a healthier spin on delicious comfort food recipes we all know and love. Each recipe is balanced with just the right amount of protein, fat, and carbs to fuel your body, satisfy all your cravings, and leave you drooling.

    How long has Clean Simple Eats been in business? ›

    Clean Simple Eats was founded in 2015.


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    Name: Patricia Veum II

    Birthday: 1994-12-16

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    Job: Principal Officer

    Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

    Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.