A Million Universes, and I'd Still Pick You - SapphireTwilight - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

Day 1: Domestic AU/Lazy mornings/Staying in

Izuku doesn't know how it happens. Maybe Ochaco, who knew about his feelings since year two at UA. Or Mina, whose complaint about rent is the original reason the topic gets brought up. Either way, two months after graduation, Izuku has an apartment with Kacchan. The moving process wasn't easy; though he loves the beautiful view of their patio, getting their beds and furniture up three flights of stairs is taxing. Sure, they're all heros now, and battles with villans bulks up their bodies. But some of their friends like to push buttons.

Denki tries to nap on the couch while Kirishima and Todoroki carry it up the stairs. Mina spends more time snapping pictures of the process than helping. Tsu and Sero have a contest on the patio to see what reaches furthur; her tongue or his tape. Kacchan may kill them all before Izuku can finish the furnishing. The only thing that might keep everyone alive is their lack of cleaning supplies to mop up the blood.o

But after the long day of mischief and yelling, he and Kacchan have a place to call their own. The only problem is everything is still in boxes or packing tape. It doesn't really feel like their home yet.

"It's going to take all morning to unpack," he mumbles to himself the next morning. Thankfully, Ochaco's smart, and unpacks the important things the day before. Mainly, their coffee machine, which he stands in front of to start the busy day. He pauses when he realizes it's also the first time he's making coffee for someone else.

For Kacchan, he thinks, feeling his cheeks flush. It's not an intimate motion on its own. Plenty of people share coffee pots at offices or cafes without any lingering romantic feelings attatched. They have a commumal coffee pot at the agency that everyone uses when bills are too tight for real coffee. He knows Kacchan's order, because even a health nut like him needs his secret vice. But there's something... domestic about this.

He wanders to the fridge, pulls out Kacchan's almond milk. Though Kacchan isn't a sweets lover, he likes the hint of vanilla for his coffee that lets him skip the sugar. Then he searches the boxes labeled 'kitchen stuff' till he finds the cups. Though there's lots of choices, his fingers quickly pluck out the green and orange ceremic mugs. Izuku cleans both mugs ( which takes another box dive) before the machine beeps, signaling the coffee's ready. He prefers caramel creamer, but he forgot to buy it. A familiar voice reminds him of the vanilla almond milk in his hand. One he knows he bought without even thinking about it.

"Well," he mumbles, flushes. He doesn't have an excuse. Instead, he uses the milk for both drinks, dumps (probably too much) sugar in his. While he's pouring coffee in the mugs, he wonders what Kacchan would look like trying his 'diabetes in a cup'. Its possible it'll happen during a sleepy morning, now that they're living together. Once the drinks are stirred, Izuku collects his mug in his hands and lets the porceline warm his palms. Quietly, he looks across his kitchen to take in the quiet morning seeping through the sink window. His eyes take them time scanning through their small apartment, and smiles when the sunrise welcomes him from their patio door. It hits him, then. This is a new chapter for him. For them.

They'll share holidays. And okay, at first glance it doesn't seem like a big deal. They've celebrated with family and classmates before, years of school shared together. But even when they were close as kids, they were never alone. Sharing a space without the confinds of school and parents meant something... special. Lazy mornings, during their days off, Izuku wouldn't need a phone call or to text fake excuses to hang out. Maybe, if he's lucky, he can convince Kacchan to watch late night movies together.

They'll be living like newlyweds. His eyes widen at the sudden thought, cheeks warm as the rays of light skimming his fingers on the kitchen island. Izuku knows they're not together. And thought he's a romantic, he's not delusional. He doesn't believe that he's going to get his happily ever after simply by moving in with his crush. But if he closes his eyes, and pretends in the quiet of his own apartment, can anyone judge him? Even heros had the right to dream, and if he could pick just one...

"Oi." The rough voice pulls Izuku out of his daydream. Glancing to the hall, he sees Kacchan leaning on the doorway. Blond spikes are even more unruly, and he's hiked up his sleep shirt to scratch his firm stomach while yawning. Even half-asleep, he's grumpy, but it only makes Izuku's stomach flutter. Kacchan's perfect.

"G-Good morning." His lips buzz with a sentence he's said thousands of times before. Somehow, being in their shared apartment makes the words softer on his tongue.

"Tch." Kacchan never loses his confident sway, even when he's still half-asleep. Izuku can't take his eyes off him when he walks closer. "I smell coffee. You better have saved me some."

"Of course!" Ditching his own beverage on the counter, Izuku scurries to the side and collects Kacchan's mug. "I already put your milk in, and it just finished brewing. Here!"

He offers a smile with the warm brew, though Kacchan keeps his signature scowl. "Let's see how you did, Nerd."

Strong fingers brush his own when taking the coffee mug, warm shivers weaving through Izuku's spine at the contact. There's a flicker of trust with how easily Kacchan puts the mug to his lips, taking a smooth sip without hesitation. Like he somehow understands that it will be exactly what he wants. Izuku doesn't know why his breath hangs in the moment, but this... feels important. So he doesn't chance moving while Kacchan leans against the counter, who barely pulls the mug from his lips to roll out a soft grunt. Izuku needs to poke the bear.

"Did I do okay?"

Kacchan licks his lower lip, takes a second taste and shrugs. "Guess it won't kill me."

To most, its an insult. But Izuku knows Kacchan. He preens, grins wide enough to squish his freckles.

"That's great to hear. I've gotta make sure you're energized. Your fans would kill me if I poisoned the eventual number two hero."

"What the f*ck? Two?!" Izuku ducks when Kacchan swipes at him, thankful he doesn't use his quirk in their new kitchen. There's a chase around the kitchen, coffee and shouts spilling on the wood floor. Izuku tries to escape into the living room, though he doesn't get far. He squeaks when his socks betray him on the rug. Kacchan seizes the opportunity, his free arm wrapping around Izuku's waist and flipping him over the couch.

"Kacchan!" His chest heaves from the abrupt end of the chase, looks up at the man smirking from his victorious position.

"If you think you'll be number one with those sh*tty moves, keep f*cking dreaming." As if to prove his superiority, Kacchan sips the coffee still in hand. It has no right being as attractive as it is, but Izuku already knows his taste in men is a little different.

"You're cleaning the kitchen," he says, though knows it's not really a consequence. They'll be scrubbing the whole apartment throughout the day anyway.

Kacchan rolls his eyes, flicks Izuku's forehead before wandering toward his room. "Finish your sugar water so we can start unpacking."

Despite the insult, Izuku stares up at the living room ceiling with a smile. He knows most would see the interaction as chaotic or worrisome, the two bickering as soon as they wake up. Maybe some would think its a warning they're not compatible. But like most things in like, Izuku sees it differently. It isn't just mean teasing and coffee insults. They're not male posturing, trying to throw their weight around while adjusting to sharing space. What it really is, to Izuku, is another chapter of their long story together. And the truth is in the fact that despite his victory, Kacchan doesn't his quirk to hurt Izuku. Because it's just for fun between two... friends.

With a final breath, he pushes off the couch to find Kacchan. He can't wait to start the first day of their new adventure.

Day 2: Good Witches

Katsuki thinks Izuku is weird. And it ain't really anything new to him. The nerd's been that way since they were kids. With big eyes, freckles, and fluffy hair, Izuku's the epitome of nerd. But when it comes to being a roommate, he's not the worst. Then again, he's probably bias cause of his... feelings.

"Bakugo, move it more to the left." Katsuki scowls at the command, sending a death glare over his shoulder at the pink-cheeked woman on his couch.

"You just said to move it right, Round Face."

"No, that was Mina."

"Guilty!" The tispy giggles of the two women on his couch threaten to fry his brain.

"Why are you idiots getting drunk on my couch?" He asks, far too done with anyone that doesn't actually live in the apartment.

"Mido invited us." Round Face grins like he won't kick them out if his dorky roommate says so.

Raccoon Eyes seems to have the same idea. "Aw, don't be so grouchy, Bakubabe! We spent our day off helping you style your apartment."

"Tch, like I needed it." Katsuki has better style that most of their old class. He's got a good eye thanks to his parents. But he knows the nerd; Deku wants to show off their new place to their 'friends'. Katsuki doesn't like people in his space, but he knows it makes Izuku smile. For some dumb reason, that sorta matters now that they're living together. Speaking of him... "The nerd's late from his shift."

"He's grabbing you food. There's a new ramen place down the street, and he said they had your favorite spicy noodles."

Cheek's reply makes him turn back toward the picture to hide the slight quirk of his lips. "Leave it to the nerd to run off while I'm busy working on our place."

"It's sweet, bringing dinner after work. I would kill to have a man like him." Pinky sighs, then snags the wine bottle and swigs a large gulp from it.

Katsuki knows a dumbass that would take that spot in a heartbeat, but it's not his place to say. If sh*tty Hair can't muster up the balls, why the hell should he? Instead, he rolls his eyes and listens to Round Face's reply.

"Wel, he's technically single."

"Chaco! I thought we were friends. Do you want me to get my face blasted off?"

"What's the supposed to mean?" Katsuki asks, both girls looking at at him before laughing again. He doesn't like not getting the joke, but they're too drunk to give credible answers. "And where the f*ck did you even get that? We're too young to drink."

"I think my uncle sent it from France for a graduation present." Pinky traces the rim of the bottle before she uses it to point at Katsuki. "And I saw you at Kiri's birthday party, Bakubabe; you're not innocent."

At her accusation, he waves her off. "Whatever. If you two fall off the balcony before the nerd gets home, I ain't saving you."

"That's okay, I'll just float us back up!" Then the Pink Cheeks presses her fingers together, proving her quirk still works under the influence when she lifts off the couch.

"Hey, knock that sh*t off in the apartment!"

"Do a flip in the air!"

The loud cheers from Raccoon Eyes is annoying, but he ignores it while he hops off the step ladder. "Alright, I'm done decorating. You two can get the hell out."

"No way!" Round Face plops back to the couch with her protest, seeming to forget to maintain her quirk. If the rough fall hurts her, she's too drunk to realize it. "Not until Mina does her good luck spell."

"What the f*ck are you talking about?" He doesn't like the girls's wider grins.

"It's why Midobabe invited us over! Last month the girls and I went shopping in the city, and I got this cool magic spellbook." Raccoon Eyes pulls out a musty looking book, and Katsuki winces when she lays the dirty thing on his coffee table. "I've been learning good luck charms, health chants, even beauty incantations-"

"Spells?" Just the word makes his nose scrunch. "We're heros, not magicians!"

"I prefer witches," Cheeks says, then leans on the other girl's shoulder. "Mina's doing you and Midoriya a favor, you know."


"She's gonna bless your new apartment."

He counts to ten, wondering how he's ended up in this situation. "Again, how?" He stomps over, plans to snatch the book and throw it outside. "This is the f*cking dumbest thing I've ever-"

"I can cast a love spell." The words pause him.

"Why the hell would I want that?"

"Maybe Izuku wants it," the meddling woman says, as if she isn't knowingly pushing his buttons. But she's hung around him and his idiot squad far to long not to know what she's saying with her little smirk.

"Oh, good idea!" Round Face claps her hand like a child. "Then he can find someone to fall in love with. Someone he can...I don't know... share an apartment together?"

He doesn't like getting flushed, but her implication brightens his cheeks. "You two are annoying. Go home."

They only press his patience more. "Bakubabe, love doesn't have to be romantic. Maybe I can just bless you with...totally platonic affection."

"Hah?" He doesn't know who she thinks she's fooling.

"No, seriously. Really, you'll have all the power. If you give me your hand, and think of the person you 'love', the current feelings you have for them will be stronger."

"This is f*cking stupid." He tries to glare them out of existence, but these women have been around him too long for his own comfort.

Cheeks simply smiles, pats the cushion between them. "You won't know until you try!"

"Who says I want to?" Their dry looks piss him off. Katsuki's banning cheap wine from his apartment. "f*ck you."

Yet the nerd's softness must be infecting his bones, because he finds himself between the girls, letting his sweaty hand settle in his friend's.

"Okay, now just close your eyes..." Pinky looks over to Round Face and winks. "And think of the person you love most."

His mind, spitefully, listens. It thinks about the laundry he has to do, cause his roommate still can't figure out how many tide pods to put in each load. Then he remembers he has to call Auntie for her katsudon recipe, since Deku's been craving it. Speaking of the nerd, he wonders whats taking Izuku so long to come back to him-

The gentle tap on his nose makes his eyes shoot open, and he glares at the two faces leaning too close for his comfort. "Back up, weirdos! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Did you feel any different?"

Round Cheeks follows Pinky's question before he answers. "Like, more in love?"

"Who said I was in love?" Before either answers, a voice drifts in the apartment.

"Kacchan! I'm back!" Katsuki looks over their heads, sees something he's slowly getting used to. Freckled cheeks, flushed red from the cold. The dirty and worn uniform that's seen far better days. And a familiar nerdy smile which hasn't changed since they were four.

Deku waves the bag over his head like he's defeated the league again "And I brought you dinner. Your favorite!"


"We missed you."

The girls look to him, as if expecting hearts to flash in his gaze. Instead, he glares, slumps back and scowls. "It's about time."

"Bakugo!" Despite their hissing responses, his roommate only laughs, kicking his shoes off before entering the room.

And really, he's the one who looks lovestruck, sparkling eyes and his softer voice oozing pure admiration. "I'm back, Kacchan."

"Yeah." He stares Izuku down, lips tight in a grimace. But like magic really is in the air, he feels his muscles relax. It's nice having someone to share space with at times, even if he's a pain in the ass. So, knowing what the puppy-in-human-form wants, Katsuki relents. "Welcome home, nerd."

"Thanks." Green eyes shimmer with pure happiness, and Katsuki's stomach clenches without reason. "I'll go get us some plates!"

If Izuku had a tail, he'd be wagging it when he runs to the kitchen, waving to their friends as he passes. They turn sneaky once turned toward him. "Looks like the spell works really fast, Chaco."


"Yeah," the other gremlin says. "We're pretty good witches, after all."

"Go die," he says, pushing off the couch to avoid their laughter. They know nothing about him, Deku, or their sh*tty apartment-

"Kacchan?" Izuku tilts his head with his question, pauses scooping out their food. "Is something wrong?"

He opens his mouth, but pauses. Katsuki's got lots to complain about. The bathroom's a mess, they're both ignoring the boxes from moving they shoved in the closet, and Deku's friends are pure evil. But even with his laundry list of things to shout from the rooftops, he stays silent. For a reason he doesn't understand, Katsuki want to leave the negativity out of their space. This place is untouched by their middle school years, the trauma of fighting for their lives as teenagers. Even the slow process of mending what he destroyed between them years ago. Here, in this dirty kitchen with barely enough room for both of them, Katsuki's complaints feel far away.

Instead, he glares down at the plate. "Give me my noodles."

Doe eyes soften, finishing his transfer of food and holding it out as a peace offering. "Enjoy."

After, Deku scampers away to feed the girls. Pinky proves they were watching with a wink. And sure, he hates both sneaky witches. But if their spell's real...

Maybe he doesn't mind.

Day 3: Self-care/Caretaking/Sick

Izuku tries to ignore the tickle in his throat. He denies his growing cough, or how he can't smell his delicious lunch because of his stuffy nose. But when the fever hits him the morning of his first day off in a week, he knows he can't avoid it. He's sick.

If choosing between being sick or hurt, he'd break all his fingers (again) instead of getting the sniffles. It sounds dramatic, but he has a reason! Though he's always been tolerant to pain, and will put himself through anything to improve, being sick is... it's embarassing. His mom tells him he was a good kid, never gave her a hard time with school or chores. Fighting the League of Villains was his biggest 'teen rebellion', but that works out in the end. The only time she says he was a little less than perfect was when he was under the weather.

"Oh no..." he groans, tugs his blanket over his face to hide from the truth. Memories of the flu as a child makes cheeks flush even worse than the fever. He already feels an annoying whine slipping out. He prayed his quirk would help avoid illness, but its wishful thinking. The truth is, he can handle the physical aches of being sick. He didn't survive middle school without knowing how to carry discomfort. But the mental side, warning of isolation and lonliness, makes him tear up just thinking about it. His mom used to always be there, but now...

Under the comforter, he can hear Katsuki mulling around the kitchen. His mind's foggy, but he thinks the other has the afternoon shift. It'll make hiding his virus harder, because the needy side he buries most days preens at having someone to take care of him. Except he won't ask. Its not his roommate's burden to coddle him. He doesn't remember the last time he saw Kacchan sick. Izuku almost smiles when hearing the other's voice in his head, bragging about being too strong to get infected. He can't imagine what he'll say, seeing Izuku covered in tissues. The plan to burrow in bed and pretend he's not craving social contact sounds foolproof. Maybe he can just sleep his sickness away?

He's still struggling to find dreamland when Kacchan kicks his door open. "Wake the f*ck up, Nerd. It's almost ten."

Izuku winces at the yelling. "Ah, so-sorry Kacc-"

Before he can get out the nickname, his cough cuts him off. Hunching over, he tries to clear his throat, but the mucus is stubborn. By the time he blinks away his tears, his shoulders ache from the force.

"You're sick?" Kacchan asks with a scowl. "How?"

"Uh... maybe the cold front Tuesday?" He doesn't mention taking an unplanned dip in the river to save a kid. It'll just make Kacchan yell at him more.

"Jesus, Deku." The tone's what he expects, but seeing the arched brow and scowl makes him whine.

"Kacchan, it's not my fault." Then, he sneezes. Kacchan falls quiet, which makes Izuku rush to downplay his growing symptoms. "I-I'm not going to leave my bed! I understand if you want to stay at Kirishima's after your shift-"

"So you can die and leave me with the rent? Pass."

Kacchan then spins around and leaves his room. Izuku tries not to take it personally. 'Dynamight' needs to be in good health if Deku's out of commission for a few days. Staying away from Izuku is the logical thing to do. But it still hurts a little.

He's debating calling his mom to visit when Kacchan appears 30 minutes later. The tray is filled with lots of things. Cough drops, a thermometor, medicine, and a pile of tissues surround the big bowl of steaming soup. Kacchan's got a Gatorade under his arm, and he uses his teeth to pop it open after placing the tray on Izuku's lap.

"Here, idiot. Drink."

"Oh, thanks." He almost doesn't take it, at first. He knows the orange ones are Kacchan's, so being offered it almost feels like a test. But Kacchan doesn't seem to care while Izuku politely takes the bottle and sips down the energy drink. Izuku tries not to notice Kacchan moving around his room while he eats and takes his medication.

"Give me your clothes. They're gross." It's said as an unyielding demand.

Lucky that his sickness has already flushed his skin, he undresses and hands the snotty shirt and sweaty pants to Kacchan. He mumbles his thanks, then yelps when he's shoved in the bathroom. After a steamy shower, he's handed his well-worn All Might shirt and Kacchan's (and Izuku's secret favorite) black sweatpants. For the whole day, things follow a pattern: Kacchan barks an order, he complies, and then gets smothered in Kacchan-styled affection. Izuku's covered in blankets, reminded to drink fluids, and gets his temperature checked every hour on the dot. He balks when Kacchan calls out of his work shift.

"Hah?" Kacchan holds the phone out of Izuku's reach from where he sits on the bed. "I said I ain't leaving you alone, and I meant it."

"You can't give your shift away," he says through his stuffy nose, but Kacchan waves him off.

"Well, someone's gotta watch over your dumbass."

He doesn't give in right away. "But if you stay here, you'll get sick."

"Shut up. If you can't beat me, your sh*tty germs aren't gonna."

"I'm higher up in the rankings-" He starts, then flinches when Katsuki sends him a warning glare.

"Eat your f*cking dinner, Deku, before I throw it out and hand you a carrot"

"Don't threaten my oatmeal!"

The night passes with videos of heros, old and new, playing to Izuku's delight. He tries not to lean against Kacchan while commenting on their quirk improvements and the development of quirks throughout history. But his body is tired and warm, and his head drops onto the firm shoulder without permission. For a moment, he feels like a kid again, safe and warm with someone he trusts won't let him hurt alone.

"Thanks for everything today," he mumbles, tired lids fluttering shut with his fatigue. "Sorry I got sick."

"Whatever." Despite his wording, Kacchan's voice is softer, and he doesn't push Izuku away when he snuggles closer. "You falling asleep, sh*tty nerd?"

"Mm... no."

He doesn't mean to lie. It's not that he hates the idea of sharing the bed with Kacchan, because he's the only person Izuku would ask. But when rough fingers brush along his nape, he can't help it. That night, Izuku sleeps as well as he can. Each time he wakes with a cough or a clogged nose, Katsuki is there. To help him clear his throat. To offer him some water. To ease him back to sleep. To care for Izuku.

It must be that around the clock work that makes Izuku feel amazing the next day. He's still a little stuffy, but he can breath without coughing. The fever's gone, and his muscles are already healed. Maybe it's because of One for Fall, but he gives credit to the man cooking breakfast.

"You sure you're not feeling sick?" Izuku asks, props his elbow on the kitchen island to watch the eggs sizzle.

Kacchan's eyes give him a dry stare. "I'm gonna blow your face off if you ask me again."

"Okay, I believe you." He still plans to keep an eye on him during patrol.

Izuku's free hand brushes his nape, remembers the safe touch soothing him to sleep and smiles. He silently vows to make it up to Kacchan. For some reason, the idea of paying him back makes his heart flutter. Maybe being sick isn't terrible...

If Kacchan's there to take care of him.

Day 4: Cooking/Baking as a love language

Katsuki's the king of any kitchen he walks into. His dad's a pushover, but his culinary skills are no joke. From how his dad tells it, that's how he won the old hag's heart. Katsuki, also wanting to be a good partner to some lucky bastard, sees the value of learning how to cook when he's little. How it'll help him be a strong hero.

Now, he's cooking for two. It's not like he's stingy with sharing his abilities. When he lives with the extras at the school, he cooks more meals than he likes to think about. The idiots would tease him about being 'soft' and 'caring' for their physical health. But that wasn't it. Cooking for his classmates was really a gain for him. He needs them to be in their best shape so he can get better training. They wouldn't be useful to him if they fill their guts with processed foods. And yeah, he cooks special stuff on his classmates birthdays. After the war... maybe occasional cheat days aren't the worst.

The whole point is, it's not intimate. Food is needed to live, to work, to be a hero. Katsuki doesn't understand why his mom gets mushy when she sees his dad's made her favorite meal. It's just science. Then he moves in with Izuku, the culinary trainwreck, which changes his perspective on things. It takes a week living together to determine he can't leave Deku in the kitchen alone. His shower after a long shift gets cut off mid-way when he realizes the smoke above him is too black to be steam. After four charred pans, and ten 'sorry Kacchan!'s, the ban is put into place.

Really, it's not a big deal. He's already dirtying up the pots, and adding an extra scoop of rice or another chicken breast doesn't take much time. The spice adjustments are annoying, and if the nerd asked him to do it, he would have ignored him. Beggers can't be choosers. Of course the nerd never complains, because he's a self-sacraficing idiot. Instead, he puffs his sweaty cheeks and blinks back his tears between bites of their curry. He even thanks Katsuki after. Its riddiculous. After chewing the other's ear off, he starts learning Izuku's pallet.

Deku's always grateful for even the smallest meals. Katsuki could toast some bread with a glob of peanut butter for breakfast, and the nerd looks ready to cry.

Their friends's teasing doesn't start until Pikachu sees their matching bento boxes. "You two make lunch together?"

"Oh, not me," Deku says, tugs his mouthguard down to scoop a spoon of carrots into his mouth. He's polite enough to swallow before he continues. "Kacchan makes me food, since I'm still learning to cook."

"That's nice."

For some reason, Half-And-Half's comment pisses him off.

"I can't let him f*cking starve." He ignores the arched eyebrow to explain that it's not a big deal. "And he takes cares of the dishes, which is fine with me. We both get sh*t out of it."

"You're such a good housewife, my little Kacc-"

He blasts Dunce Face off the roof, but the extras won't let it go. Their patrols are filled with taunting laughter. There's kissing noises when he hands Deku his lunch in the locker room. Katsuki doesn't get what everyone's problem is.

"Well, we all know cooking is your love language," Kirishima says one day on patrol.

"My love what?" Just the name sounds lame.

Kirishima is too in tune to his emotions to care. "You know, the way you show people you like them? We all knew you cooked for us cause we bonded over the war. It's probably even more of a thing with Mido-bro, cause... well, you know."

"I don't know, because this all sounds like bullsh*t you read off a HeroFeed quiz."

"Aw, don't be like that." He gets nudged by a bulky arm. "Think about how you react when you cook him something. Doesn't it feel a little different?"

Katsuki hates that he actually hesitates, and his mind doesn't help with its traitorous thoughts. Without permission, it pulls up dinner last night. While Deku showers, Katsuki rolls up his sleeves and tosses around the fish, lemon pepper, and broth, then lays it onto a steamed bed of rice. It's a simple meal, both too tired to need anything fancy. The awe in the wide green eyes when seeing the meal makes the fatigue leave Katsuki's shoulders. Izuku's a messy eater, wears the rice like another freckle of his flushed cheek. The smile he offers is too fond over such a basic meal. Katsuki wants to make it happen again.

"Whatever," he pushes out, wants to avoid admitting Kirishima's right.

"Taking care of people you love is manly."

The sappy words makes him scoff and shove ahead of his patrol partner. "God, you're embarassing."

"What are you making him tonight?"

"None of your business."

"I heard him talking to Tsu today." He doesn't want to listen, but the voice demands attention. "Said it'd been a while since he's had shrimp tempura."

"Cause it's not good for him," he answers, though Kirishima shrugs.

"What's that saying? Something about 'food for the soul'?"

"He's gonna eat what I make and f*cking like it. And stop eavesdropping on people!"

Except even as he uses his explosions to get away from Kirishima's laughter, his mind is already moving through what he needs for the upcoming dinner. He decides there's worse things to eat. The time difference between their shifts lets Katsuki go to the store and buy what they don't have at home. He ignores the gasps and murmurs while wandering through the aisles in his work gear. After a quick shower, he gets to work on cleaning, frying, and portioning the food.

He's pouring the udon noodles into bowls when his roommate arrives. Deku looks terrible, with dirt on his face and too much sweat in his hair. Whatever he plans to dump onto Katsuki seems to slip his mind when smelling the meal. Like magic, irritation turns to wonder. "Kacchan?"

"What?" He grunts, doesn't meet the eyes while laying the fried shrimp over the noodles. "You never seem tempura before? Go wash your hands before I eat all of this myself. Stupid nerd-"

His mumbling falls away when rough material wraps around his torso. The hugging is new.

"Thank you," Izuku murmurs into his shoulder, reminding Katsuki of the height difference. His first instinct is to push people away. He knows physical touch in his family has mixed connotations, trains him to be wary. But Deku's heart, too big and warm, beats against his back.

"For what?" He asks, unwilling to acknowledge the heat in his cheeks. "It's just dinner, sh*tty nerd."

"It's never just dinner with you, Kacchan." Its a soft reply that feels heavy with a second meaning, but Deku breaks away. "Let me go shower so I can enjoy your yummy cooking!"

"You've got five minutes!" He calls to the retreating back dissapearing down the hall. He watches a heartbeat too long before he looks down at the homecooked meal. He thinks of Kirishima's words and scoffs. "Love language... f*cking stupid."

But stupid didn't always wrong.

Day 5: Rainy Days/Warm Drinks

Izuku doesn't mind the rain. When he's little, he likes jumping in puddles and wearing his brightly colored boots. The noise it makes against the window settles his mind most days. But he knows Kacchan hates the rain. So when it pours, Izuku worries. He almost asks to take Kacchan's shift when hearing the dreary weather upon waking up. Sure, he's been excited for his day off, but he doesn't mind switching for Kacchan. Except he knows mentioning his roommate's problem with the rain will only sour his mood more. So he stays quiet.

Izuku still makes their coffee in the morning, becoming the norm over the month together. Even if they have later shifts, the silent agreement to share breakfast and coffee falls into place without words. He can tell Kacchan's mood is already low when he stomps into the kitchen. Izuku tries to smile away the deep scowl.

"Good morning, Kacchan!"

"It's f*cking sh*tty outside."

"Ah, well..." He offers the Dynamight mug he bought the week before. "You're working with Denki today, right? At least it's someone you get along with."

He gets a glare in reply, but even grumpy, Kacchan makes a delicious breakfast. They don't talk as much as normal, the growing splatters on the patio's glass door indicating why. It's up to a moderate rainfall when his favorite hero leaves for his shift, wearing his sealth suit for the hood. By lunch, its a downpour, soaking anything that dares to step outside.

"Kacchan..." Izuku sighs at the dismal scene outside, shivers even in the heated apartment. Most days the rain doesn't bother him, but sometimes his memory takes over. He doesn't regret when he left UA to keep his friends safe. Izuku knows he did good work. But he wonders...

Iida tells him that Kacchan took his dissapearance the hardest, though his roommate never admits it. Then again, from the confession after his class fought for him to come back, Izuku has some idea. When it rains like this, he goes back to that painful day. Does Kacchan, too?

"Maybe I can give him a positive memory."

Right then, a plan starts to form. While he's still...learning ("You're a hazard, Deku!") how to cook, there's one thing he can make; hot chocolate. He mastered the recipe when he's little, his mom claiming it was the key to anyone's heart. Normally, Kacchan doesn't keep sweet ingredients in the house, claiming Izuku will eat them all. But Tsu's request to make cookies for her hero meet-up at a school means the cocoa powder and other supplies are fresh and waiting. Before he starts, he has other steps to complete. First, he plugs in the electric blanket and spreads it on their couch. He hopes that by the time Kacchan comes home, the sofa will be ready for his wind down. Heating aching muscles always makes Izuku's day a little better, so he hopes the old trick works for Kacchan, too.

Then, he rushes to the bathroom and prepares a bath. If he's honest, Izuku's the one who begs for a tub when they're apartment shopping. Maybe its childish, but relaxing in sweet-scented water helps his mind settle. Kacchan prefers showers, claiming they're more efficient. The only time he chooses a bath is after a long rainy day, probably to soak away the chilliness and old memories. Izuku takes his time picking out a scent for Kacchan, knowing anything too sweet or flowery will rub him the wrong way. He settles on a cedar scent bath bomb, places it on the ledge while he lets the water start to fill the tub. Then he's back in the kitchen for the last step.

The hot chocolate doesn't take long to make. He sneaks off between stirs of the bubbling liquid to shut off the bath water and place the bath bomb into the steaming water. Before he can worry about preparing the night too early, the front door swings open. Kacchan's covered in mud.

"Next time I see Pikachu, he's dead."

Izuku shuts off the flame under the cocoa and rushes to Kacchan, who is making a puddle on their welcome mat. "Here, let me-"

"He knocked us both into a mudpit." Despite his complaining, Kacchan doesn't push away his hands when helping remove the smaller gauntlets.

"Chasing a villain?" Off comes the gloves, the hood. Kacchan rips down the muddy boots into a heap by the door. Then he scoffs.

"Chasing a f*cking squirrel."

Izuku bites his lip to hold back his laugh, knows it'll just make things worse. "That's... not heroric."

"No sh*t."

"Well, would you like-" Izuku's offer dies on his tongue when Kacchan yanks his upper torso out of his jacket, exposing bare skin under a skin tight tanktop.

Because of the rain his mind supplies uselessly, watching the sleeves hang from the fabric bunched over Kacchan's hips.

"Hah?" Kacchan tilts his head with a skeptical gaze. He's like a german shepherd, but Izuku keeps the thought to himself. "What are you mumbling about?"

"Uh... Oh! R-Right." He looks to the kitchen, sees steam curling from his pot. "I made you something."

"Deku, you're banned-"

"It's just hot chocolate!" Kacchan blinks at the answer. Izuku grabs his wrist and pulls him out of the wet mess at the door. "There's a bath waiting for you. Ma-maybe when you're done cleaning up, we could... hang out? Or not, but it's perfect weather for a movie night and-"

"Oi." Kacchan's face leans closer, eyebrow raised. "That Auntie's recipe? From when we were brats?"


"Tch." For the first time all day, the hard edge on Kacchan's face wears down. The rain loses some of its grip on him "You pick something yet?"


"The movie, nerd."

"Not yet. But I have every All Might film in my room if you want one!" Izuku gives a hopeful grin, and Kacchan scoffs at his offer.

"You're such a fan boy."

Then he stop Izuku's heart. A large hand touches the side of his head, fingers finding a home in his hair. But they don't yank or tug the strands. He doesn't care about the sweat, mud, or rainwater that might rub into his temple when Kacchan's palm brushes it in the almost gentle ruffling.

"Thanks." The touch leaves after the semi-grunted word. "I'm gonna soak. Keep the cocoa warm, or I'll pour it on your face."

"O-OKay..." Izuku watches him slink off to the bathroom, shoulders looking a little lighter than they were when he came home. He doubts some nice smelling water and a heated blanket will make Katsuki love the rain. Even his mother's hot chocolate can't take away people's unspeakable pain. But his temple still tingles where their skin touched. Kacchan's not cured, but he hopes he feels less lonely in the downpour now. Even with the bad memory, Izuku doesn't mind the rain. Tonight, under a shared blanket and stomachs warm with hot chocolate, he thinks Kacchan feels the same.

Day 6: Feels like Home

Shopping with Izuku makes Katsuki want to punch him. "Deku, put the melon down before I bash it over your head."

Green eyes blink, but crooked fingers drop the terrible choice of fruit. "You don't want cantaloupe anymore?"

He's gonna kill him. Katsuki doesn't blame Auntie for the nerd's lack of shopping skills. He knows she always took the nerd when grocery shopping. Though he's got a scarily good memory when it comes to things he likes (quirks, school work, 'Kacchan'), he's got his head in the clouds too often to learn real life skills. Like fruit hacks.

"What color is under the rind?" He askes, rubbing his forehead with his palm. There's a headache growing he normally only gets with Dunce Face.

"Oh uh..." Izuku crouches down, lips pursed while looking at the cantaloupe. "Greenish?"

"Which means its sh*t. Get a golden one."

"You're so smart, Kacchan!"

He rolls his eyes at Deku's praise, like a six-year-old couldn't do the same thing. "How have you survived this long?"

"Well, mom always shopped for us. And at UA, I normally got paired with Sato for groceries, and he knows a lot about food."

"So you're basically a brat that everyone babies," Katsuki says, smirks when Izuku gives him a rare frown.

The nerd finds a better melon, places it in their cart. "I'll figure it out."

"Obviously. I'm gonna drill every fact about food into your big brain till you get it."

"You think I'm smart?" Izuku's excited tone makes him sigh, pushing the cart toward the frozen aisle.

"Shut up and go grab our deli order. It should be done by now."

"Alright, I'll be right back!"

With an excited wave, Izuku scurries away. But not before pausing to be... Deku. Katsuki watches him stop at the first sight of mundane distress. A woman who looks ready to pop is on her tiptoes, trying to pull something from the top shelf. Without hesitating, Deku moves beside her and offers her a friendly smile that makes even villans question themselves. Though he can't hear, the woman's ready to burst into tears while she nods. Katsuki blames it on pregnancy hormones, because no box of cookies is that good. Izuku doesn't seem to mind, hopping up to grab the desired snack for her. He looks like he just saved the world...again.

After the woman wipes her eyes and waddles away, the nerd looks back. Like he somehow knows Katsuki is watching. When Deku throws two thumbs up, Katsuki scoffs and turns back to the cart. He's not gonna tell the idiot that's he's a good hero. The world does that enough.

On the way to get frozen acai bowls (Katsuki refuses to admit they're his guilty pleasure), he catches something different in the store. There, just outside of the bakery, is a table of flowers. The colors and heights are all different, catching anyone's eye that passes by. Katsuki doesn't really care about plants. It's not that he can't have a green thumb, because home-grown vegetables always taste better than the store. He got his specific taste for organic food from the old hag's garden. Flowers aren't his thing, but... they're Deku's. So he looks.

Most of them look like weeds, in his opinion. Maybe Cheeks or Ponytail would know the meanings behind them, and what each delicate petal signifies Either way, he plans to continue after his quick scan, because they're not there to shop for flowers. But one catches his interest. The orange is identical to the one he wears on his uniform every day, though that's not the real attraction. What makes him narrow his eyes are black spots around the middle that look like... freckles. Its the combination that makes his mind roll back to Deku the evening before.

They had morning shifts, meaning both are unwinding by the time sun sets. Katsuki's in the kitchen, preparing dinner, when he hears Izuku's muttering from the living room. But when he looks over, he doesn't see a green mop on the couch. Instead, the nerd's laying on the floor. The orange sweatshirt is from his new merch line. He's not sure how Izuku got it, since he knows the shipment's pending. His nerdiness shows with his matching black sweatpants decorated with orange explosions (from his first line of merch) and fuzzy orange socks. He looks like a Dynamight fanboy.

The phone glued to his ear shows he's talking with one of their friends again. He assumes its Pink Cheeks or Half-and-Half, cause they check in with him each week. He doesn't know why the memory is so vivid, but when the sunset comes through the patio's door, it sears into his mind. There's flushed cheeks that look like they're shining from the sunlight. The freckles he's watched since they were kids pop in the glow, reminding Katsuki of childhood summers spent together. Deku's stupid for laying on the floor, but seeing him there now feels like-

"Home?" Katsuki blinks at the voice, looks over to see the florist holding up the flower he's accidentally staring at.


When he barely answers, she wiggles the potted plant. "Dynamight, did you want to take this one home?"

He doesn't know why the simple question flushes him. Before he can shut her down, a familiar voice crashes the conversation.

"Oh, wow! That's such a pretty flower."

"De-Deku?" Her eyes sparkle when his roommate shows up behind him, chin brushing his shoulder from their height difference. He doesn't know why he notices this now.

"Hi there. Are these for sale?"

"Obviously," Katsuki answers, turning to look at the sheepish smile. "Why the f*ck would they have them here if they weren't?"

"Kacchan, you can't swear in front of civillians!"

"Watch me."

The nerd sighs and looks at the florist. "I'm sorry."

"That's okay!" Then the flower is presented to them again. "Did you want to buy it?"

Instead of answering, Izuku looks to Katsuki with too much hope. "Can we? I wanna put it on the shelf by the window."

"Why do you need my permission?" He snaps out, unsure why he's on edge.

"Well, I don't want to bring something you don't like into our home."

Its a simple comment. Katsuki shouldn't feel warm or a soft twist in his chest. Why would he care that Izuku thinks of the apartment as their home? But the memory hits him again. Makes him feel like an idiot.

"Whatever. Buy the stupid plant."

He doesn't wait, shoves the cart away. If Deku wants it, he can carry it. Katsuki looks back to see a wide smile covering the rounder face of his duo partner. Deku hugs the flower while he rambles to the florist like she's the hero and him the simple fan. And like last night, it's there again. Katsuki can't deny it.

Izuku feels like home.

Day 7: Ancient Ruins/Library/Apothocary

There's times Izuku knows he's a nerd. In his defense, his need to learn comes in handy. Logging quirks and their specifics helps with villains all the time. But there's a downside to his greedy mind. The desire to know everything puts a lot of pressure on him, now more than ever.

"So that's how he manages to keep slipping our traps," he mutters into the old air of the library.

Weary fingers scribble the new information onto his notebook, and he ignores the ache in his eyes when he blinks to re-focus them. He knows its late, but he can't stop yet. He hasn't seen their apartment since he left that morning. That wasn't his plan, at first, more than excited to share a night with Kacchan after patrol. They're a good duo together, and their morning shift goes smoothly. Then they get the call for an emergency at the pre-school.

It's a mess when they arrive. The children scream and run from the building with their teachers as an unknown villain takes out another wall of the school. He and Kacchan rush in, working to get everyone out to safely while fighting back the attacks. They work perfectly together, but the villain still gets away. Worse than his escape, four students go to the hospital due to injuries. He can't forget the wounds, the blood, the tears as the children screamed for his help. Izuku is supposed to be the symbol of hope, and he fails. He can't let it happen again.

Pushing up his glasses, he forces his eyes to read another section. Before he can get invested again, the book disappears from his hands.

"Hey! I need-" He pauses when he looks up and sees Kacchan leaning against the table, eyes narrowed. "Oh, hi, Kacchan."

The book tucks under Kacchan's bicep when he crosses his arms. " Don't 'hi' me, Nerd."

He knows why he's in hot water, but he still tries to play dumb. "What's wrong?"

"Like you don't know. The librarian ratted you out. Guess she's a big Dynamight fan."

"Well, isn't everyone? Kacchan's the best."

Kacchan scowls despite his praise. "That's not gonna save you."

"But I..." Knowing he can't escape the conversation, Izuku slumps his shoulders. "I was only planning on staying a little longer. I think I found the quirk and why he vanished when your explosion hit him-"

"You've been here since five." Kacchan doesn't let him ramble. "It's almost eleven."

He knows he's past closing. Even if the librarian is the biggest Dynamight fan (which she isn't, because that's Izuku's badge of honor), she still likes Deku enough to let him stay late for his hero research. She says she saw the school's aftermath, not realizing its a sneak attack on his guilt.

"I should've told you where I was going," Izuku says, but Kacchan sees right through him.

"You didn't tell me because you knew I'd drag you out."

He avoids the truth in Kacchan's words. "Do you want to see what I've found so far? I think I'm on to something-"

"We're leaving."

"I can't!" He protests, feels his shoulders tremble at the failure lurking in the darkness of the library. "I have to fix this, Kacchan. The villain could hit again tomorrow."

"You're going to be useless to us if you're a zombie," Kacchan replies, and he squirms in the truth.

The eyes narrow on him, and Izuku feels his lips spill the truth. "If I go home, I won't be able to sleep. I still hear the kids screaming for me, and I... please don't make me go back yet."

"That wasn't your- f*ck, Deku." Kacchan sighs, and Izuku flinches when he moves closer.

Like expected, a hand wraps around his bicep and leads him to stand. He's too tired to struggle, despite his internal pleading to fight. Except Kacchan does something that startles him; with a grunt, he slides an arm under Izuku's knees and back. Without missing a beat, he lifts Izuku into a craddle hold. Kinda like a...bride.

Flushing, Izuku wraps his arm around the sturdy neck. "Ka-Kacchan!"

"Shut up, we're in a library." Kacchan looks smug while walking them through the bookshelves. "You're gonna collapse if you walk two more steps."

"You're carrying me home? Li-Like this?"

"Hah? Obviously not."

There's a collection of bean bags in the corner of the library that he doesn't notice until now. Izuku yelps when Kacchan plops him into the pile, feeling the beads shift when his roommate follows. Without missing a beat, Kacchan pulls out the book, opening to the page Izuku was on before.

"I'm gonna look at your notes while you sleep."

"What?" He's not sure if his fatigue is making him hear things, but Kacchan nods.

"You ain't the only one who can research." Kacchan's a warm comfort lined up against his side. It already tugs on his eyelids to close "Should be able to nap fine knowing I'm working on this case."

"I can help."

"You can go the f*ck to sleep." Kacchan turns toward Izuku while speaking. Izuku wonders if he notices how the movement makes him sinks into the scowling roommate.

His tired mind thinks in another world, they're just college kids. Studying, struggling with bills, maybe... cuddling. Its too impossible, but it's a nice dream. For a moment, he wants to live there. But he knows the Kacchan he adores wears scars from being a hero. Smells like nitroglycerin and victory. Yells at villains that scare the world with their cruelty, and refuses to die when other mortals would. His Kacchan scoffs at weakness, but uses powerful hands to softly adjust Izuku's head onto his shoulder when he's too tired to keep it up.

If he was more awake, he'd be embarassed. Their proximity means he can feel Kacchan's chest rising with his breath. Notices the muscle shifts when he flips pages. Though Izuku's normally the mutterer between them, being this close lets him realize Kacchan reads under his breath. The quiet library whispers to give into his tired body. Reminds him that if Kacchan's there, he can finally rest.

Another universe enters his dreamland. They're not heros, or college students, but warriors in a fantasy world. Still fighting. Still partners. Always together. Because that's the truth of their friendship. No matter what world, what timeline, what fairy tale they're in, Izuku can't be himself without Kacchan beside him. He's the one who knows Izuku's limits, and will call him out. Yet will also read his notes and understand what they mean.

Izuku's not sure how long he rests. He might be asleep when he hears a soft noise. "Knew you were tired, Nerd."

The touch against his cheek must be another dream. Kacchan wouldn't trace his freckles with his thumb. So he nuzzles into the touch, lets himself sink deeper. When he wakes the next morning, Kacchan has a breakthrough that helps capture the villain. He's not sure how he gets from the library to his bed until he returns the book.

His ears turn red when the librarian says "Dynamight made sure not to wake you when carrying you out."

He doesn't mention what she says. He doesn't need to. Because Kacchan seeks him out in a closed library. Eases his anxiety by taking over his research at midnight. Carries him home in an embarassing position to let him sleep. Silently, he cares. And for Izuku, that's enough.

Day 8: Knitting/Crocheting/Crafting

When the weather gets colder, Katsuki normally doesn't notice. His quirk makes him run hot, so he can withstand the temperature drops without much problem. He likes to brag about his tougher skin to everyone. But when Izuku shivers, its not as funny. They're walking home after work when the topic gets brought up.

"There's no way in hell Endeavor would play Santa for charity," Katsuki says, though Deku tugs on his sleeve with his protest.

"I think he would! I mean, he's gotten better with kids since becomming number one."

"It ain't like he had a high bar to reach." Both know what he put Icyhot and the rest of his family through. Even though he's the top of the hero ranks, Katsuki still wants to punch him for that. Not cause he likes Half-and-half, no matter what the nerd or pretty boy thinks.

"All Might used to do it." The mention of his role model makes Izuku perk up and smile. "Oh, maybe we could ask him again? Eri might even be one of his elves."

"Or you; you're short enough."

"Kacchan!" He smirks when Deku pouts and tugs his sleeve again. Then a breeze comes.

They're wearing coats, as the earlier nights mean they come home without the sun most shifts. While he doesn't mind the cooling air brushing his face, he feels the body that's swayed into his side shiver. He scowls at the action, and looks down to see bare fingers trembling.

"Oi," he says, making Deku tilt his head up with chattering teeth. "Where the f*ck are your gloves?"

"You're not wearing any, either," the nerd says, leans closer to him without seeming to notice.

"I'm also not shaking like a useless leaf. Did you forget to buy some this year?"

They pick up the pace, but Katsuki doesn't shake Deku off the arm he's tucking his hands into to keep warm. "I had special ones made from Mei after my quirk started evolving. Some of my abilities tear through normal fabric, so she helps me out."

"Okay, where are they?"


"Spit it out, Nerd."

"Last week I saw a kid without gloves, and I..." Katsuki holds back a groan at his roommate's selflessness. "But its okay! Mei's gonna make me new ones when she can. A-and its not that cold. I'll be fine!"

"Obviously, you're a hero."

But it still bugs him. A glance at the weather report for the upcoming days proves its going to get colder. There's a planned reunion of their UA class at the end of the week, where there's a threat of dropping under freezing temperature. The nerd needs his hands to be the eventual number two hero. So he'll solve his roommate's problem.

The first step is getting the right material. "Yo, Ponytail."

She looks up when he drops next to her from the roof, makes sure the blast doesn't hit her in his descent.

"Oh, hello Bakugo." Like always, she's polite. "What a pleasant surprise."

"Yeah, tickled pink I'm sure." Despite being snarky with most of his classmates, Ponytail's one he tends not to attack. She's never given him a reason. Plus, she's got good tea. "I need a favor for Deku."

"Oh?" Without hesitation, she nods. "Of course, what can I do to help?"

"He's sh*tty with the cold, but his quirk messes with gloves. Can you make a thread that would expand without breaking under his different attacks?"

She taps her lips, humming before she gives a gentle nod. "Yes, I think I could. Would you like me to make the gloves, as well?"

"Nah, I've got it." Her surprise makes him roll his eyes. "Deku's fingers are all crooked from his stupidity. Unless you know his injuries, they won't fit right."

"I didn't know you can knit."

He shoves his hands into his pockets. "I can't. But it can't be that hard to learn."

"That's very sweet of you." Her smile looks too fond. "I'm happy you and Midoriya are figuring things out. He's going to love your gift."

From anyone else, it'd feel like a tease, but he knows she's being sincere. It makes his ears burn. "J-Just give me the thread, Ponytail."

Getting the materials is the easy part. Actually knitting them, however... He watches guiding videos and reads tutorials when the nerd goes to friends or when their shifts don't match up. His time is limited. Days go by with ruined attempts at gloves he should be able to make. Though he's always been a quick learner in life, the intricate skill of the precise mission starts to grate his nerves. By the time the night of their class reunion comes, he's got lopsided gloves and a headache. Deku's gonna freeze his hands off, and he can't do anything to-

"Kacchan?" He nearly stabs himself at the name, shoves the messed up project behind him when Deku enters. "Are you ready for ice skating?"

"No." Except he dressed for the event over an hour ago to give himself time to try and finish the ugly gloves.

Like the creepy nerd he is, Izuku catches onto the mess in front of him. "What are you working on?"

He knows he's caught, but puffs his chest to pretend he's proud of the sh*tty craftsmanship when throwing them at Izuku. "Shut up."

Of course the jerk catches them, blinks while looking them over. "Oh, are these... fingerless gloves?"

"I haven't finished!" Katsuki snaps, hiding his shame.

The nerd doesn't take advantage of Katsuki's rare slip-up, looks at the disasters like they're made of gold. "They're for me, right?"

"I just said they're not done-"

"That's okay!" Then, like an idiot, he puts the fingerless gloves on. "Oh, wow. They fit relly well. So roomy!"

Katsuki's blood boils. "They're sh*t. What's the point of gloves that won't keep your hands warm? There's holes, pattern f*ck ups, and- don't pity me, Deku."

"Kacchan..." He doesn't show any shame wearing the ugly gloves when he reaches out and grabs his wrist. "I like them."

"Cause you're an idiot."

"My mom loves knitting." The nerd beams like he's trying to raise the temperature with his smile. "She would love to teach you if you asked."

"That doesn't help for the ice skating," Katsuki admits, unsure why Izuku's cheeks burst with color.

"Oh, well..."

The knitted glove slides down, and Katsuki's breathing stops when their hands link together. Despite the tough threads, the hint of smooth skin from exposed fingers brush his. "F-For tonight, maybe we could… just hold hands. Since you always run warm and stuff. If you want?"

Its so lame. He should roll his eyes, tell Deku that he's a nerd. But his stupid tongue ties, and his eyes drink in how their fingers look linked together. Impulse makes him squeeze his hand and tug Izuku to the door.

"Fine. Lets go."

And though they're obvious, neither brings up their matching blushes when rushing into the chilly night.

Day 9: First Snow

Being quirkless as a child has limited benefits. The bullying, social isolation, and the constant reminder of his dream being out of Izuku's reach were admittedly hard. But he learns how to pick up skills that don't need quirks. Like, for example, ice-skating.

It's so refreshing seeing their classmates again. Though most of them work together in some way, they're busy with their hero jobs. He can't see them as much as he likes, and never knows the next time they'll have a chance to chat. So watching everyone have fun is... nice. Their levels of comfort on the ice fluctuates. Some are easy to guess; Todoroki moves with ease, while Aoyama uses his belt to shoot him across the ice in random patterns. Iida tries to keep his composure, but he manages to fall each time he yells at the others goofing around.

Izuku's thankful his mom used to bring him skating every winter as a child. He's a bit rusty, but he only needs a few minutes for old memories to come back. Then he's off, helping his friends enjoy their time on the ice. He likes teaching them, seeing them adapt their footwork. Like a moth to a flame, he returns to Kacchan's side. He waves off Ochaco's arched brow and Kaminari's grin, excuses his behavior as a need to warm his fingers again with the other's quirk. That also explains why Kacchan doesn't deny his continued silent request to hold hands. Their linked fingers draw more attention than his ice-skating skills. He's unsure why his classmates look so relieved, like they've been waiting for this to happen.

When helping her skate, Tsu says, "I'm happy you two confessed, kero."

Izuku doesn't know what she's talking about, but he flushes anyway. When he thinks about it, some facts stand out to him. Like how rare it is Kacchan feels comfortable with his hands being touched. And by rare, he means never. Izuku blames his quirk, Kacchan not wanting to hurt anyone if his emotions get the best of him. But he trusts Izuku.

"Come on, Kacchan!" He laughs and tugs him along, both of his hands linked with the smoother ones. Kacchan scowls when Izuku skates backwards, but doesn't let go.

"You trying to show off now?"

"No, just makes it easier to... uh, keep me warm." He doesn't mention he can't hold both hands if he skates beside Kacchan.

:Whatever." Kacchan, perfect as always, follows his speed and matches it with ease. He's not as smoothe as Todoroki, but he's always been light on his feet. Izuku's seen how fluid he is when he fights, loves watching that art form follow him onto the ice.

"I should teach you some jumps."

Kacchan looks like Izuku says he's a terrible hero . "You wanna see me fall or something?"

"I just think you'd be good at it!"

"Obviously. I'm the best at everything."

Izuku wants to point out their current situation, but something stops him. A white speck falls from the sky, with an army of flurries following after. Snow. For the first time all year, it's snowing.

"Kacchan...look!" He's too excited about the development, stopping them in the middle of the ice rink to stare up at the sky. The icy weather is coming down like a shaken snowglobe. His heart swells. "It's so beautiful..."

Kacchan gives a contrasting thought. "How? Its just frozen water; Half-and-Half can do this anytime."

"This is different." He doesn't explain why, too busy sticking his tongue out to catch a flake. It takes him a little wiggling, but the crisp edge of snow finally touches his tastebuds.

"You're so..." Kacchan doesn't finish, but Izuku laughs when one hits his nose.

"Kacchan, look-"

The desire to show the flurry melting on his face vanishes when he looks at Kacchan. With the snow falling, the rink's streetlights cast a golden halo around them. Maybe it's the light that makes Kacchan's expression so... fond. Or maybe its something else. There's softness there that Izuku hasn't seen for years. He thinks of the rain, when Kacchan apologized to him. But this isn't sad or a desperate need to connect their frayed edges. This feels warm, full of life. Important. It makes his hands sweat in his lopsided gloves.

His mind doesn't fight an old, yet somehow new, thought that rises from the emotions.

Oh, his soul says, like the words don't tilt Izuku's world on its side. I really love Kacchan.

And sure, he's known the feeling for a while. But this is different. It's heart-stopping. For the first time since they were kids, he thinks maybe their feelings aren't so far apart from each other. Kacchan's fingers are anchors between his, keeping him steady when everything goes wrong in his life. Both have grown side by side, carry scars earned for each other. Is it impossible to believe mutual affection has healed their past? Its a dangerous thought. He could be setting himself up for disappointing heartbreak. But Kacchan has taught him to never give up, even when there's no hope. And who is he to ignore Great Explosion Murder God?

"What the f*ck are you looking at?"

Kacchan squeezes his hands like its a threat. He can't admit his true feelings, but he wants both to remember this moment forever. So, he slides a little closer on the ice, their hands swaying by their sides.

"You're really pretty, Kacchan."

"Hah?" The mix of confusion and embarassment makes Izuku laugh. "What the- don't be a weirdo!"

"It's weird to find you pretty?" He asks, tilts his head up to watch the red hue grow over Kacchan's cheeks and ears. The snow wets his face from the angle, but he doesn't mind.

"No, but saying it when you're... you're the f*cking pret-"

But then fate steps in; something white slams into Kacchan's face. Stunned, Izuku looks over to see Hanta and Kaminari frozen in their snowball fight. Like they've seen a ghost. Or their life flash before their eyes.

"Oh, sh*t," Hanta whispers, and Izuku feels Kacchan let go of his hands.

"You're so dead, extras!" Kaminari screeches when Kacchan races at them. Izuku knows he's the better skater; it's only a matter of time until he catches them. Silently, he sends a prayer for his friends.

The class join in on the chase, helping Kaminari and Hanta try to escape or throwing obstacles to help Kacchan catch his prey. Ida and Momo try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but even they have soft smiles behind their warnings. This pure moment is rare, but they've earned it.

Izuku's heart still races while he watches Kacchan's graceful movements even while he's got murder on the mind. His love won't hide itself anymore, not that he really wants it to. Because anything involving Kacchan is beautiful. And like the snow, he'll never grow tire of him.

Day 10: Adopting a pet/Hybrid AU

Katsuki doesn't know when it happens. No, that's a lie. He knows the exact night, because he knows everything about Deku. After the class reunion, things shift in the apartment. Izuku's more affectionate, wants to be closer. Its driving Katsuki crazy. He feels like there's a thread being left out, but he doesn't know what to do with it. Does he tug it? Does he wait for the nerd to reel himself in? What happens when they meet, hands brushing against the tangled string? Izuku looks at him like he should know. But he's... lost.

One thing's true; Izuku doesn't flirt with people. He's cute naturally, and citizens and heros alike see his potential. Everyone remembers Deku and Round Face their first months in school. After the war and their heroics, even more people adore him, but he doesn't lead them on. Now, Deku leans against him on the couch, wraps his arms around Katsuki's bicep when they walk to work, and increases his praise over simple things he does at the apartment. Somehow, the ball feels like its in his court, and he doesn't know what to do with it. It's unnerving.

"You could ask Midoriya on a date." IcyHot's stupid comment makes him glare without thought.

"Who said I wanted that?"

"Oh." The jerk blinks, tilts his head. "I thought you two were attracted to each other romantically. Am I wrong?"

"You're f*cking annoying." But he's right.

"Are you looking for something to increase your friendship, instead? I may have misunderstood your complaining."

"I wasn't complaining, I'm reflecting to myself, and you happen to be sitting in the same place."

He wishes Zuko could take a hint, but he's thicker than glue. "We're on patrol together."

"But you don't have to eat with me!"

Prince Charming barrels on. "I've heard getting a pet with someone is quite intimate."

"A pet?" The thought makes him scowl. "Why the hell would I want another annoying thing living in our apartment? I've already got Deku."

"Maybe Midoriya would enjoy a friendlier companion."

He wants to say he's plenty friendly, but something stops him. A thought slinks in, with a sharper bite than he's used to. What if Izuku turned down the offer to get a pet together? Would that mean he wasn't looking for an 'intimate' relationship? He doesn't want to chance it.

"We're fine how we are." He doesn't know if he means without a pet or their current dynamic when he storms away from IcyHot's confused expression. But fate's an asshole, especially to Katsuki.

It's only three days later when he and the nerd finish their last sweep of patrol. Deku's rambling like always, but the flow of random information gets stopped when a noise comes from the alley they're passing.

"Did you hear that, Kacchan?"

"Oi, hero names when we're working-" Then the sound comes out again.

"There it is again." Izuku rushes after it without hesitation.

"Deku, get back here!" He chases, plans to yank the idiot out and yell at him for impulse control. But he only gets to grabbing the green collar when noticing what Izuku's got craddled in his arms. There, muddy and shaking like a leaf, is a kitten. "You gotta be sh*tting me."

"The poor thing," The nerd whispers, looks up to him with eyes he knows Katsuki can't deny. "We have to help her."


"She needs food, she's hurt- it's just for the night!" They both know he's lying when Izuku cuddles her to his chest. "We're heros, Kacchan. It's our job."

Silently cursing Half-and-Half for jinxing him, he groans. "One night. Then she's goes to the shelter."

The relief that blooms over the pretty face is almost worth facing the fear of the next step. "Thank you."

With a slower pace to not jostle the kitten, they bring her home. The hours after finding her are a little bit of a disaster. Neither of them know much about cat care. Izuku pulls up twenty 'how to' videos while Katsuki has a stare off with the kitten laying her muddy body over his favorite blanket. She paws at his nose when he scowls at her.

They learn how to clean her without making the deep cut on her back leg worse. Deku coos at her while directing Katsuki ("Scruff her gently, Kacchan." "I am, you damn nerd!") so he can wipe her down. It's a slow process, but she's a whole new cat coming out of the warmed towel. Both get injured enough to have plenty of supplies to take care of her injury. With too much knowledge for people so young, they flush out and bandage her wound. Despite a new enviorment, she only digs claws into Katsuki once when Deku presses too hard on the cut. Green eyes pour out tears in apologies to the kitten (not him) who only blinks at him.

Its late when the three curl up on the couch. Katsuki's bicep cushions Izuku's head, who gazes at the sleeping kitten. Like the little fuzzball is his entire world, Deku nuzzles crooked knuckles between her ears.

"Don't worry," he whispers. Katsuki hates how his heart melts. "You're not alone anymore. Kacchan and I are here."

He wants to say it. Three words he never thinks he'd deserve to feel with anyone, especially not Izuku. Instead, he sighs, bumps his forehead on his roommate's temple.

"Thought we weren't keeping her."

"But she's a Dynamight fangirl."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"She's got your colors." Deku pulls the blanket back to expose a mix of black and orange patches over her white coat. Only Izuku would see that and think of him.

"That's so dumb."

The nerd ignores him, talks softly to the sleeping kitten. "You're gonna be a daddy's girl, huh?"

The title throws him off. Did Deku just call him- Stunned by the (probably) innocent joke, Katsuki doesn't filter his reply. "That make you her mom, nerd?"

"Yeah..." So lovestruck by the furball, it takes Deku a bit to realize what he said. "O-Oh God."

He turns bright red. In a second, he's got a handful of warm cat and blankets in his hands, Izuku activating his quirk by the patio door.

"Nerd, where are you-"

"I-I'm going to Todoroki's to get some food. He feeds strays, so-uh... I'll be back!" Then he floats off the balcony to escape his embarassment. Like an idiot.

"Don't jump from- ugh." Ignoring his flushed cheeks, he snorts and looks down at the newest roommate. "You’re gonna learn real fast that your mo-... uh, that Deku’s an idiot. Good thing you’ve got me to keep you both alive."

The kitten, still sleeping, purrs softly in response. Leaning his head back, he closes his eyes and thinks about all the reasons they can't keep the sleeping heat pad in his lap. The cost of owning cats, the time they don't have to spare, and not know anything about animals are all great reasons to say no. But then his mind thinks of Izuku snuggled into his side, promising they'll take care of her. Together.

And Deku's smile around the vow makes the stress worth it.

Day 11: Fall Festival/Winning a prize

Izuku knows the red shoes staring at him don't match his outfit for the fall festival. Wearing them means listening to Kacchan complain for the entire night. But they remind him of his journey, give him courage. And he needs it for their... thing. No matter that Ochaco and Todoroki says, its not a date. It can't be! They've gone to these together when they were kids, though it was more a family affair. So even though their parents weren't coming, that did not automatically make it romantic. Even if he wouldn't mind.

"Deku, let's f*cking go!" Kacchan's shout from the living room makes him shake his head from dangerous thoughts.

"Coming!" He rushes from the room, only pausing to pat down his fluffy hair. The shoes keep him from sliding across the floor when he finds Kacchan waiting for him.

He's beautiful. It's no secret Kacchan attracts people without thought, and he dresses better than their friends. His uniform never hides his amazing form, and Izuku's seen the fanpages. But there's something about him dressing up for their night together that's... different.

Even the little scowl doesn't take away his beauty. "Where'd you get that shirt?"

"Oh, this?" Laughing too loudly, Izuku tugs the sleeve. "Ochaco bought it. Is it weird? It's tighter than normal, I know, but she said-"

"It's fine." Kacchan's mouth twitches. "Looks... nice."

"Ah, th-thank you. And you look amazing, like always." He glances away, tries to channel his embarassed energy into something else. His eyes find his newest love curled up on the couch. Rushing over, he leans down to scratch under the kitten's chin. "We'll be home soon, Dyna."

She nuzzles his hand, but doesn't lift her head while she purrs. "The gremlin's fine, Deku. Stop babying her."

"You were late to your patrol yesterday because you went to three different stores to buy her favorite treats." At his roommate's pink cheeks, Izuku bites back a smile.

"Die. I'm leaving."

"Kacchan, wait!" Giving Dyna a final pet, he rushes after his roommate, grabs his hand once through the door.

Kacchan doesn't pull away, using his free hand to lock the apartment. Izuku settles in their connection, bites his lip. Its become their new norm, so they don't talk about it when walking to the festival. Though it's cold, Kacchan's touch keeps him flush enough to hide under his scarf. Maybe they haven't put labels on whatever they are, but he doesn't mind. It feels nice that they can be different, and still somehow the same.

The festival puts him under its charm once they enter. He ignores Kacchan's shout of protest when dragging him deeper. It's a little humbling that fans recognize both of them outside of their costumes. He agrees to sign items and post for pictures. Kacchan's... less willing.

"You're not going to be popular if you don't get civilians to see how nice you are."

"I don't need a fanclub to be number one," Kacchan says, though Izuku already knows he has several. But he's not telling him that.

"I don't know who's worse, you or Todoroki."

"Obviously him!"

Izuku laughs while Kacchan squeezes his hand in protest, thankful his roommate's better at controlling his quirk when upset. Before he can tease him more, a familiar pair catches his attention. There, at one of the festival booths, is Ashido and Kirishima.

"Kacchan, look!"

Still annoyed at his earlier comment, Kacchan does glance up, then rolls his eyes. "What, sh*tty Hair and Raccon Eyes?"

Izuku ignores his insults. Excitement blooms when seeing the bright pink bear Kirishima hands her. Its obvious he's won it for her. He thinks its kinda sweet. He raises his hand, plans to shout for them in greeting, when his voice dies out. Uncaring who is watching, Ashido wraps her arms around Kirishima's neck and kisses him. The word 'date' floats through his mind again. The thing their old classmates are on. The thing him and Kacchan aren't doing, which he knows logically. But that doesn't mean his heart, now beating rapidly in his chest, gets the same memo. As the couple leaves, Izuku watches, unsure why he's a bit sadder than he was before.

An elbow nudges him. "Yo, Nerd. What's the problem?"

"Oh, nothing." He looks up and tries to smile. "I'm fine."

Kacchan isn't fooled, and looks at the festival booth. "You want one of those dumb stuffed animals?"

"Huh?" Izuku looks between the game and Kacchan in surprise. "No, it's not-"

"Relax, Deku." Grinning like he's facing a villain, Kacchan rolls his sleeve up. "I'll win you one."

"You don't have to!" Izuku chases after, hands held up in concern. "These games are luck-based. Everyone knows they're rigged."

"You don't think I can do it?"

"Of course you will. Kacchan's sugoi!" The automatic response makes him cover his mouth, muffling his voice. "But..."

"Then stand back and watch a real winner beat this stupid thing."

Because Kacchan never lies, he does just that. Izuku almost feels bad for the stall worker, who is left to watch the stubborn man destroy his targets with overpowered throws. And he's not even using his quirk, which is more attractive than Izuku wants to admit.

"Pfft. Easy." With a smirk that highlights his cheekbones, Kacchan snatches the green bunny from a sighing festival worker. Then, he turns to Izuku, waving the stuffed animal between them. "Is this what you wanted, Nerd?"

If Kacchan's lips weren't right there, he might say yes. Before he can talk down the dangerous thought, the festival chooses the moment to set off the warning firework for the show. A bright explosion sparkles red light, outlining Kacchan's face leaning close to his. He's realizes why Ashido couldn't resist kissing Kirishima. His fingers twitch with the desire to touch Kacchan's cheek.

"Kacchan..." he whispers, feeling himself blush. His roommate is merciless.

"The little thing looks like you in your costume." The bunny's pressed to his cheek, as if comparing their faces.

He glances up at Kacchan, eyes wide and voice soft from their proximity. "Is that... bad?"

The proud smirk drops off Kacchan's face. Gone is the prize winning co*cky man.

"Nah." There's a slight rock foward, voice lower when Kacchan speaks. "Not bad, Deku."

Izuku thinks he's finally realizing they're close enough to share breath. "Kacchan..."

But he doesn't leave. Kacchan might even move closer, like maybe hes got the same idea-

"Hey, Bakugo! Midoriya!"

Izuku jerks away, sees Kaminari waving. Jirou tugs his arm, looks at Izuku with an apology written in her gaze. Like she thinks they intterupted something.

"Oh, we should... say hello."

From how Kacchan shoves the bunny into his arms and turns, he's too angry to hide his feelings. "Fine."

He stomps away like he did their first year. Izuku clutches the prize and watches Kacchan smack Kaminari, yelling enough to scare people. And he should still be sad. Nothing's really different than before they left the apartment.

But Kacchan looks back, holds out a hand. "Let's go, Deku. Fireworks are starting."

And maybe something had changed, afterall.

"C-Coming!" With a genuine smile, Izuku follows the man holding his heart.

Day 12: "You are my everything"

Katsuki dislikes parties. He doesn't care what they're for. Being around people who constantly annoy him and drag up old memories drives him crazy. But he lovestolerates Izuku. So having the extras over to their apartment is bound to happen. The designated 'Baku/Dekusquads' thrive in party enviornments. sh*tty Hair tries to promise they'll all behave, but he trusts the idiot as far as he can throw him. (The jerk mentions that's actually pretty far, meaning he DOES trust him. Katsuki doesn't feed his friendship ego.).

Their apartment is big enough to fit the two groups in the living room, though some have to lay on the floor or sit on each other. Of course none of them complain when Deku apologizes with his big, emotive eyes. Maybe that's his real quirk; getting people to bend to his will. Or maybe its being the perfect host. Izuku asks their friends about refills, offers more plates of prepared appitizers (that he swindles Katsuki into making earlier). The nerd keeps popping up with pillows and blankets for everyone, adjusts the music- But he never sits still.

It'd be cute if it didn't annoy Katsuki so much. Why invite people over if he wasn't going to enjoy their company? His fingers dig into the couch's armrest, eyes tracking Deku scampering back into the kitchen when Glasses asks for a napkin. It's domestic, but doesn't sit right.

"Dyna is so cute," Pink Cheeks coos, the traitor laying on her lap. The growing kitten is sucking up all the new affection.

"Yeah, say that when she's clawing at your toes at four in the morning." He hears a familiar mischevious giggle from the kitchen. "Shut the f*ck up, Deku!"

"I told you we had to make a feeding schedule for her," Izuku says, looks too proud of himself when coming back out with the requested napkins. "Now she's spoiled."

"Whatever." He slumps on the couch and glares away, which gives Dunce Face a change to jump in.

"Can we get back to the game? It's Mina's turn!"

"Okay, so never have I ever..." Katsuki's distracted when Izuku leaves again. He scowls, watching him move dishes into the sink and clean the counter. Katsuki likes keeping their place clean. He's yelled at the nerd for messing it up before. Now, he just wants Deku to relax.

"Bakugo, its your turn." He scoffs at IcyHot's reminder, plans to skip out on the dumb game. But then an idea forms.

"Fine." Sitting up, he keeps his eyes on his roommate. "I've never used poison ivy as toilet paper when camping."

Like magic, Izuku's head pops up. "T-That was one time."

"Yikes, that must have hurt," Flat Face says, Frogger tapping her chin likes she weighing the pros of trying it.

"I was four!" Moving from the kitchen, Deku huffs. "And I'm not the one who tried to eat his mom's lipstick."

Round Face bursts into laughter. "Bakugo did that?"

"Deku's scared of sharks growing legs." He smirks at the flush covering the freckled cheeks.

"After seeing Gang Orca, it's not impossible."


"And you made me stay up all night with you Sunday cause we watched a ghost movie."

"Hah?! Who was clutching who during that?"

They had lost the pattern of the game, but from how entralled their friends were, they didn't seem to mind.

The tops of Deku's thighs pressed to his armrest. "Kacchan calls Dyna babygirl when she meows at him for dinner."

"The nerd writes hero stories during agency meetings."

Before they can go another round, Four Eyes steps in. "You two are quite aware of each other."

"Oh, well... yeah." Deku blinks, then glances around the group. "Kacchan and I have always been like this. Isn't that what friendship is?"

"Wait, is it?" Dunce Face looks confused.

"I don't know half of that stuff about Kami," Soy Face says, and Prince Charming frowns at Izuku. "I also haven't aquired most of that knowledge until now. Am I a bad friend?"

"No, no! Kacchan and I have been friends since we were young."

"Yeah, ain't nothing weird about it."

"I've been dating Eijiro for a while, and we would probably lose a Newlywed game against Bakubabe and Mido. I'm jealous of how cute you two are!"

Izuku's ears steam while he sputters, so Katsuki rolls his eyes and tugs on his arm to get him back on track. He might miscalculate. With a squeak, the nerd falls over the side of the couch, lands in Katsuki's lap. His legs hook onto the armrest, which forces Katsuki to catch his back in the crook of his arm. Otherwise, Deku's head would land in Sparky's lap and he- he doesn't like that.


Katsuki ignores the shout, tries to keep the mood casual. "This sh*t's simple. Deku glued himself to my hip when we were brats, and then we were rivals in high school. Course we know each other."

"N-Now we're roommates." Izuku finally chimes in. "And we'll be hero partners, so-"

"Wait, really?" sh*tty hair's smile isn't surprised. "Super manly."

"Ain't a big deal. Just makes sense if we're opening an agency together."

"Partners at work and in business?" Half-and-Half tilts his head. "That's a large amount of time together. Will you still be roommates?"

Deku glances up at him, unwarrented hesitation in his gaze. "If that's what Kacchan wants."

"When do I ever do things I don't want?" His answer seems like the right choice, brightening the smile in his lap.

"Who would have seen this happening in our first year?" Flat Face asks.

"I did." Pink Cheek looks like she knows a secret under her soft smile. "Deku and Bakugo have been through so much together. It's fate's fault."

His mouth curls in a silent scowl, but his mind doesn't.

Fate's got nothing to do with it, Round Face. Deku's just my everything.

The possessive thought makes him tense. His 'everything'? What did that mean? He hopes the others bickering about soulmates and free choice makes them miss his moment of crisis. Of course, Deku doesn't.

He leans against his chest and looks up in concern. "Kacchan? You okay?"

It never seems to matter what is going on around them; the nerd always keeps some of his focus on Katsuki. He learns how hard Izuku took him getting kidnapped. Remembers his own soul being torn apart when Deku left UA. Corny as it is, maybe that's another thing they share.

He scoffs and lets his arm squeeze Izuku's waist. "Shut up and ask a question."

"Oh, right!"

The nerd's legs swing to the front of the couch, a strong back resting against his chest. And when Deku sinks into his embrace to restart the game, Katsuki wonders if he feels the same.

Day 13: Misty Dawn/Golden Hour

The morning after the party, Izuku walks from his room to find sleeping bodies scattered in the apartment. Some look comfortable, others contorted in ways that makes his back ache with confusion. But having his people in his apartment warms his soul.

"We're gonna have to clean all day," he whispers to himself, seeing the scattered drinks and food all over the place. He had tried to keep things organized during the event, knowing how Kacchan feels about messes. But, like always, his roommate had been the one to distract him.

Quiet in his footsteps, Izuku tries to avoid stepping on any laying on the ground. He smiles when spotting Ochaco and Tsu cuddled together, Ida and Todoroki on either side of their blanket pile. He's proud his little crew, who have always stuck by each other through the years. Mina and Kirishima look cozy on the couch, legs linked together in their spooning. There's a different air of their intimacy, with Kirishima's face buried in the slope of Mina's neck. Hers is relaxed in his protection, like she knows nothing can harm her with him around. The missing jokers of Kacchan's squad does make him frown, but he knows they wouldn't leave when drunk. If not for their hero image, then because Kacchan would chew their ears off. He takes his time tiptoeing around to get to the chilly balcony. The morning air makes him sigh.

Despite the sky lightening with the morning, it still has a night chill. He wishes he brought a sweater, but he doesn't want to chance waking up his friends.

I have to make our coffee soon, he thinks, the routine making him smile. He blinks when hearing the glass slide open.

Looking behind him, Izuku smiles. "Kacchan, good morning."

"Nerd." From anyone else, it might be a rude greeting. But from Kacchan, it makes his heart want to sing. "Why are you out here dressed like this?"

The fact Kacchan picks up on it shouldn't make him happy, but he grins.

"I didn't realize how cold it would be until I came out. I didn't want to wake anyone." Then, he tilts his head at Kacchan, another question popping up. "Why are you up so early?"

"Sparky and Tape Face snuck into my room overnight, and they're clingy as f*ck. I couldn't sleep."

"I'm surprised you let them stay," he says, watches the pink on Kacchan's face when he scoffs and glares at the sky.

"If I blew them up in the middle of the night, I'd wake up the whole apartment. I wasn't dealing with that trainwreck." Once again, Kacchan shows his kindness.

"Thanks for letting them stay." he tries not to come off as patronizing.

It seems to work, since Kacchan only shrugs. Then he moves to lean next to Izuku on the railing of the balcony. "Why are you out here?"

"I come out sometimes before the day starts. Just to... think about life, I guess," he admits softly.

"You're fifty years too young to be worried about that sh*t."

"I'm not worried. It's... more like I'm thankful." He closes his eyes, lets the nip of warning frost dance on his cheeks. "If middle school me could see where I am now..."

"Yeah, that little nerd would pass out."

"He'd think it wasn't real." Maybe the silence is Kacchan not knowing what to say about a wound he had a part in carving. Izuku doesn't feel pain touching it anymore, so he continues. "I'm a hero, with lots of friends and a home with Kacchan. It's almost everything he'd want."

"What do you mean almost?" Kacchan asks, and Izuku feels the blood in his face when he taps nervous fingers along the railing.

"I mean... I know All Might never had one, and most heros think it's dangerous, but... sharing my life with a romantic partner would be... really nice." He peeks over at Kacchan's face, tries to hide his wince at the blank stare. He doesn't want to be soft, or disgust his roommate with a childish hope. But his heart has always been a little bigger, needing extra love to feel full. So he shrugs. "I know its not possible, but-"

"Now you care about rules?" Kacchan asks.

Izuku blinks before he clarifies. "Oh, no I mean- Kacchan, I don't think I'm prohibited. I simply can’t expect anyone to want to be with me."

"Hah?" Anger sparks in the narrow eyes watching him. "What doesthat mean?"

"You know me, Kacchan. I'm reckless, always hurt, and I can’t put someone over my job." Then, with a little laugh, he adds. "And I'm not like you; I'm a little more plain. But I don't need to be pretty to be a hero-"

He squeaks when he's jerked around and pressed to the railing. Kacchan looks way too angry for so early in the morning. "Who the f*ck told you that you weren’t pretty?"

"Oh, uh, not anyone specific?" With wide eyes, he tries to fix whatever he broke in their moment. "It's sort of obvious, when you see me next to you and Todoroki, you know?"

The question makes Kacchan scowl more. "Don’t be stupid, nerd. Only idiots wouldn't want to date you."

"Kacchan, it's okay-"

"It's f*cking not." Kacchan's hands tighten around him on the railing. "If you want someone, go f*cking tell them."

"Right now?" He feels lightheaded at the prospect.

"Yeah, right now. Because if they're not blind and stupid, they’ll go ass over head for you."

At that very moment, the world decides to help. Shimmering sunlight bathes the patio that the two stand on. Katsuki looks perfect in the golden glow, leaning over him with anger in Izuku's honor. The red of his gaze shine like rubies, the sneer on his lip somehow softer. Like it wants Izuku to touch it to prove it's still there. The etheral image is too much. Before Izuku thinks about the consequences, he leans up and kisses him. Its a light peck, nothing deep or sultry. He can't say it expresses everything he feels for Kacchan, but he holds it for a few seconds before he breaks away.

That's when panic sets in. "Kacchan I-"

Kacchan growls, but hes... not mad? "That ain't how you tell someone, Deku."

The railing bumps his spine when Kacchan leans him over it and presses another kiss to his lips. Its nothing like the first one, but he doesn't mind. His mind melts, stomach flipping while he grabs for Katsuki's shirt to stay steady. Then he closes his eyes and kisses back. When they finally part (seconds, minutes, hours later), Izuku can't feel the chill of the early morning. Breathless and overwhelmed, he slides shaky arms around Kacchan's neck and hugs him. He needs to feel safe, grounded- and Kacchan provides him that comfort without words.

Like its Kacchan's quirk, his heart spills over. There's a soft snort against his ear when strong arms collect him closer, protects him against the chilly world around them. And maybe he doesn't need to look beyond his own apartment balcony to find someone to love him back.

Day 14: Hibernation/Preparing for Winter

The first week of frost on the ground shouldn't bother Katsuki. He's good with colder weather, and has a special suit once snow becomes the norm. He doesn't expect his first problem with the weather to revolve around his apartment's power outage.

"What do you mean it's not getting fixed until tomorrow?!" His hand spasms on the phone, fights back the urge to blow up the innocent device.

The management team sounds terrified. "I-I'm so sorry, Dynamight sir. But the snowstorm has caused power outages all over the city."

"You're all useless." There's several other things he wants to say to the man, but he only growls and hangs up. The last thing he needs is his phone call recorded and spread to the media. He also hates admitting it's not him and his overheated body that he's worried about.

When he stomps back into the living room, he finds Deku and Dyna on the couch. There's a blanket over his shoulders and lap, with the cat purring against the nerd's chest. Even with all of the layers, Katsuki sees his shivers when he looks over with hope. "Any luck, Kacchan?"

"No." He doesn't like admitting when he fails. It's even worse when it affects the people he cares about. "They said we're on our own until tomorrow morning."

There's only a flicker of worry before Deku smiles. "That's okay! We just have to get through the night then, right?"

His teeth clench with guilt he doesn't know how to deal with. Its not his fault the snow keeps falling, or that the power lines suck. Katsuki can't make them get to the apartment faster. He can't control any of it! It still weighs heavy on his shoulders.

"You're gonna freeze."

"Luckily I bought more blankets for when our friends came over!" Izuku beams like it's not a terrible situation. If Katsuki stares long enough, he can see the nerd's mouth wobble from the cold. "I can wear some extra layers, too."

"I know you won't sleep like that, idiot."

He knows Deku isn't a fan of wearing too many clothes to bed. Its been a habit of his since they were little. Despite his terrible temperature management, he's picky about his sleep routine. From how Izuku glances away and bites his lip, he knows his cheerful apperance is a lie. In an attempt to avoid the truth, Izuku leans down and nuzzles his nose into Dyna's fur.

"Maybe she'll offer her body heat for the night if I sleep out here." The joke makes him want to shout, but an idea pops into his head.

Maybe body heat was the solution, just not Dyna's. The balcony kiss three days ago isn't a one-time thing. Words about what they are still hang on his tongue, but he tries to press his thoughts against Izuku's lips. From Deuku's eager responses, they're at least in the same book. Getting on the same page is a little harder.

He doesn't push the topic, but desperate times makes him face their current problem like a mission. "We'll just share my bed, dumbass."

"What?" Izuku's eyes widen.

"What, your ears frozen?" Katsuki scoffs at the suprise. "I run hot, and I'm bigger than the gremlin. It ain’t a big deal. Unless you’re weirded out—"

He thinks Izuku activates his quirk from how quickly he leaves his blanket fort and grabs Katsuki's wrist. Dyna's meows her protest of being left on the couch, but she doesn't follow Deku tugging them down the hall.

"Let's go now. Its past your bedtime, and my feet are cold!"

Katsuki tries not to show his surprise over how willing the nerd is to accept his offer. Even with his skin paling from the cold apartment, he catches a hint of pink over Izuku's cheeks. Once they're in the room, Izuku turns into him, iced skin pressing to his torso. "Which side?"


"You make your bed every morning, so I don't know if you still sleep on the side near the door." Of course Izuku still remembers that fact from when they shared a bed in their childhood. He hopes he doesn't recall his reason was to keep the nerd safe when they slept.

So he tries to avoid admitting it with a shrug. "You pick."

Except he's fallen for a stubborn nerd who shakes his head even as he shivers and tries to bury deeper into Katsuki's side. "I-Its your bed, Kacchan. Really, it's fine."

"God, you're annoying." He goes with plan B. Izuku squeaks when Katsuki lifts him over his shoulder and marches toward the bed. The squirming and shouts of protest go ignored, Katsuki focusing on tugging the cover down the mattress. Once satisfied he's made a Deku-sized pocket, he drops the nerd into the cocoon. "There."

"Kacchan." The huff and arm crossing below him is kinda cute, though he's never going to tell his roommate that. "I could have walked."

"You were becomming a Deku-sicle. I just cut out all the bullsh*t." He flops next to Izuku and yanks the blankets over them. "Deal with it."

The kick against his calf proves how cold Izuku is. He almost flinches from the foot, which feels like IcyHot used his quirk on it. Needing the chill gone yesterday, Katsuki yanks Deku closer and wraps his legs and arms around the trembling body. And then he notices something.

Izuku fits like a glove against him. The few inches of height between them means the freckled nose finds a home in the crook of his neck. Their legs entwine without any communication, firm arms locked along the length of his back. Soft curls kiss his chin like a welcome home. If he was the nerd, he may think they were made to lay together. Soulmates, even. But he's not a romantic dork, so he focuses on Izuku's decreasing shivers.

With smaller hands clutching his shoulders, he hears a mutter by his neck. "You're so warm."

"That's the point, Nerd."

When the reply comes out, it's tinged with sleepiness. "Kacchan... Maybe we don't need the heat fixed."

"Hah?" He wonders if the cold's ruined the nerd's brain. "Deku, its gonna be winter in like two weeks."

The insult only makes Izuku snuggle closer. Like its second nature.

"I’m prepared for the winter." He's obviously not, but the rambling heats Katsuki's cheeks. "I’ll just hibernate in here with you, okay? You'll keep me warm."

He doesn't know how to answer, so he grunts and presses an impulsive kiss to the other's forehead. "Shut up and sleep."

Izuku nods, relaxes in his arms. Like magic, he falls asleep. Katsuki should be annoyed with a koala clinging to his chest. He normally hates this much physical contact. Instead, he settles closer, like they've done this for years. And maybe they're on the same page, after all.

Day 15: Guardian/Protector

Izuku trips over his feet when Kacchan asks him to visit their parents for dinner. Not that he's complaining! It's been a while since he's seen his mom, and he misses her dearly. But he's not sure why Kacchan offers it. He must be missing something. It's only when they're on the train that Izuku realizes something. Though he and Kacchan are doing great (just thinking about the past few weeks makes his cheeks warm), it's still pretty new. Sure, he doesn't know exactly what they are. Even without the label, it's really nice.

Because in exchange for a title, he gets more than he's ever dreamed of. They hold hands, kiss, and sleep in the same bed (even after the heat's fixed). Their friends congradulate through teases. He dies when the agency warns of 'PDA on duty'. But they never told their parents. The thought leaves a smudge of worry on his happiness. 'Dating' and 'boyfriends' are flung around by everyone like facts, but Kacchan never follows suit. His anxiety rears up, despite the pinky wrapped casually around his on the seat. Izuku breathes, tries to keep a level head.

He looks down at the connected fingers and smiles. Kacchan doesn’t seem to care about others, friends or civillians, seeing their little display of affection. He holds his hand like he's proud to be his person. That should be enough. Izuku doesn't need a title. And yet...

When they get to the house, their parents are beyond happy at their arrival. His mother cries while hugging him, rubs their cheeks together. He blushes at Kacchan's smirk, yet returns her sweet affection. Kacchan’s parents tease him, but they're also proud of what he’s been doing. They help with dinner. Or Kacchan does, though Izuku does his part in setting up the table and keeping the conversation flowing between everyone. He feels himself distracted by how Kacchan looks cooking with his father and Izuku's mom. Mitsuki keeps Izuku company at the table. His interest in Kacchan doesn't dwindle once they're eating. He isn't sure if he should sit next to him, knows he normally chooses the spot by his mother. But Kacchan yanks his wrist with a glare, doesn't show any hesitation shoving him in the place next to his prepared plate.

If their parents notice, they don't mention it. The topics of dinner stay on their lives as heros. There's a lot of things to catch up on, though each parent focuses on seperate things. Masura asks about mundane patrols. Mitsuki's all about their best duo fights. But his mom...

"You're always getting hurt," Inko's face fills with worry, the same way Izuku remembers her after the battle with the League. Her hands shake in her napkin. "I see you on the news, fighting all those villans, and it never feels like you have enough support."

"Mom, I'm okay! Since I inherited One For All, its important for me to be there against dangerous enemies." He tries to easer her concern by keeping his smile bright, like his mentor. "But my class at UA taught me that I'm not alone anymore."

Izuku looks to his partner and blushes at the double meaning.

"Inko, you're focusing on the wrong thing!" Mitsuki smirks and leans on the table, familiar eyes making his spine tense. "We should worry about our little Izu being such a heartstopper. The girls are crazy about him!"

"O-Oh uh..." He laughs and flushes at the turn of events.

"Are you currently dating, Izuku?" Masura asks, kind in his smile. Izuku stomach twists, and he drops his hand into his lap from nerves. He wants to look at Kacchan for guidance, but he knows it'll be suspicious.

He settles on a semi-avoidant answer, hopes a certain someone reads between the lines. "I'm open to a relationship with the right person."

This time he does glance to his right, but only sees Kacchan leaning on his elbow and looking out the window. Like he's not interested in the conversation. And he has to admit it hurts that Kacchan, always one to speak his mind, doesn't say a word. Old anxiety swells up again. He offers to help Masura clean the dishes after dinner. Despite it being Kacchan's old house, Izuku knows where everything is kept. As he's bringing the washed plates to the pantry, he hears familiar voices coming from the backyard. Too curious, he peeks out the open window.

His mom and Kacchan are standing on the porch a few feet away. While his mom looks at ease with her encouraging smile, Kacchan's an uncomfortable mess. His ears are red, fists tight, and he stands like he's facing a dangerous villian instead of his middle aged mother.

Watching Kacchan grow up since they were little, Inko sees past what others would assume was anger. "You wanted to tell me something, right?"

"Yes." The silence after is deafening, and Izuku can see how tightly Kacchan clenches his jaw. But he's determined about something.

While Izuku feels a little lost, his mother's eyes gleam with wisdom earned from age. "About my Zuku, I assume."

A sharp nod shakes Kacchan's hair. Izuku wants to run his fingers through the soft strands to comfort whatever is bothering him.

"I want you to know... the nerd's never fighting solo again. Even if it looks bad, you don't have to worry. I'll be there for him. "Izuku's mouth drops in shock, but Kacchan continues. "I’ll make sure he comes home every night. Because he's not just my hero partner, but my... life one, too."

"Oh. You're together." Its said as a conclusion instead of a question.

"We are." Kacchan doesn't blink. "I love him."

For a guy who hates romantic gestures, Kacchan knows how to steal someone's heart. Izuku grabs the windowsill when his knees go weak, eyes filling with tears. Some might be upset that Kacchan admits it to someone before him, but knowing he cares enough about Izuku to speak to his mom means so much more. Inko's the person who kept Izuku safe for so long, and it feels like... Kacchan is asking to take over that role.

Kacchan finishes strong. "I’ll always be there as the Symbol of Hope’s protector. Nothing's taking him while I'm alive."

Izuku gets his crying from his mom, who's already in tears by the time Kacchan promises his life to guarding her son. The woman who once pet Izuku's hair while he sobbed about missing his best friend steps forward, collects rough hands in hers, and smiles. "Thank you, Katsuki."

Like each time he earns praise he 'doesn't deserve', Kacchan's shoulders hike up near his ears. "Not like it's a burden or anything."

"No, it's a blessing." She laughs at his flush. "I’m just happy he’ll be in your care for the rest of his life."

The sentence steals Izuku's breath. His mom makes it sound like they're getting married or something. It's too much for him to bear. Izuku leaves the window, returning to the kitchen in a daze.

Masura looks up at him and blinks. "Izuku, are you feeling okay? Your face is red."

He only smiles at the concern. Because Kacchan loves him. Wants to protect him. And nothing could make him feel better than that.

Day 16 (Finale): Building a home/life together

Katsuki doesn't know why he thinks dating Izuku will make him any less of a train wreck. Maybe he hopes some of his skills will rub off on the nerd. People take on traits of their partner, right? But nope. Not with them. Because he's killing Deku.

After the (mentally) longest shift of his life, he comes home to a warzone. There's clothes everywhere. His kitchen's a mess from catfood on the floor. The water bowl's upside down near a fallen pile of dishes. Pillows and blankets are strewn all without reason.

"What the f*ck." He bets a tornado would do less damage. If he focuses on the hallway's wall long enough, he thinks he sees scortch marks from Blackwhip. For a moment, he gets... uncomfortable. Deku's strong, and nobody could get in their apartment without Danger Sense going off. But still...

"Deku?" He shouts out the name, feels the sweat for his quirk pooling on his palms when he gets into hero mode. There's no saying whoever got Izuku had left the apartment. What if they were lurking, using the nerd as a hostage to get Katsuki to cooperate-

"Dyna, come here!"

A loud crash in the bedroom and a squeak that sounds too stupid to be mid-fight echos through the apartment. When the door creeks open, Katsuki peeks his head down the hall to see the mentioned cat slipping from the room. And she's carrying something familiar in her mouth. Seeing the riddiculous plushie that was meant to be him had made him want to blow up his merchandise manager. Why had they thought selling chibi Dynamights would be a good idea?! (He ignores how fast they sold out because he can.) Katsuki knows who owns this particular plushie.

"Gremlin." Like its her name, the cat looks up at him. His eyes narrow on her smug face, like she's quite proud of her recent theft. Now that shes bigger and more comfortable in their apartment, she’s a menace when she feels like it. Katsuki hates he's kind of proud of that. When she meows around the stuffed toy, Katsuki crouches down and curls his finger. "Get the f*ck over here and give me the nerd's plushie."

None the wiser of his plan, she trots forward to rub against his dirty knuckles. No matter how they come home, Dyna loves them the same. Her affection turns sour when Katsuki yanks the wannabe Dynamight out of her little fangs. The yowl of betrayal only makes him snort, smirking at her flicking tail.

"Should have seen that coming. You get that gullible side from your mom." Yeah, the nickname sticks. So what?

Now saving Deku's stupid piece of his Dynamight collection (which he isn't impressed with, no matter what the idiot squad says) from the cat's wrath, he tucks it under his arm and pushes to his feet. His fear of his boyfriend's kidnapping is dwindling, but he's still confused. He walks down the hall and elbows the door open, pausing at the pathetic scene. There, slumped upside down on the floor by the bed, is Izuku. His knees are still hooked around the mattress, but he hasn't tried to get out of his dismal situation. God, he's in love with a moron.

"What the f*ck happened to the apartment?"

"Kacchan!" Izuku somehow manages to smile in his awkward position. "I'm so happy you're here! I was trying to clean up before you got back, but then Dyna got into my collectibles, and grabbed the Dynamight merch. My favorite plushie!"

"So, what? You chased the gremlin and destroyed the place for some stuffed toy?"

"Well, I had to get Kacchan back-"

"This stupid thing isn't me!" Katsuki yanks the doll out from his armpit and throws it at Deku's face. He grimaces when the green eyes sparkle with their joy.

"You got him back for me. Thank you, Kacchan!" Izuku flips over to cuddle the annoying thing.

"It's not- whatever." He moves to their hamper to start peeling off the dirty clothes for his shower.

From behind him, he hears a sigh. "The closet's too small for my collection now."

"You think, nerd? Any time I open that closet door, I'm ready to fight an avalanche of your stupid sh*t."

"It's not my fault you keep making cool merchandise!" At Izuku's protest, Katsuki glances over his shoulder and sees the troubled frown. "I don't want to keep having Dyna ruin my collection when it falls out, but where else can I keep them in the apartment?"

For Katsuki, the answer seems obvious. He doesn't get why the nerd hasn't thought of it sooner.

In boxers, he turns back to dresser to search for cozy clothes that Deku hasn't stolen. "Move your sh*t in my room. Then you can use yours as a weird hero shrine. Easy solution."

He hears a hitched breath, and excitement oozes out of Izuku's words. "You’re… okay with sharing a room?"

Katsuki wonders why Deku sounds caught off guard at the offer. With brows furrowed, he tries to think about what part of the plan is abnormal. He comes up with nothing. Didn't they do all that other couple sh*t already? He doesn't remember that last time they slept in seperate beds. Katsuki told Auntie about them, and they're f*cking boyfriends so- Wait. Did Deku not realize how Katsuki-was he that stupid? Okay, he didn't say it to Deku but... Izuku deserves to hear it. He's always chased after Katsuki, never shied away from the heavy emotions between them. Kissed him first. He has to do this.

"We’re already sharing a cat. A home, a... a life together." He glances back and shrugs. "Why would a room be any different?"

Like magic, the freckled face crumples in an ugly sob. He always gets blotchy skin when he cries, and his nose starts running like a leaky faucet. But these aren't tears of sadness; Katsuki knows the nerd too well.

"Kacchan... I love you, too." And Izuku knows him just as much.

But he's not giving Deku the satisfaction of knowing he's right. "What the hell? I never said— what are you—"

A heartbeat later, he's on the floor with a lapful of snotty, teary-eyed Izuku over him. His spine aches from how hard he hits the ground. Its annoying he doesn't care.

Warm hands cup his cheeks before he's being kissed. Its a nice trade-off for his injury, and he returns the affection with a hum. When they part, Katsuki knocks their foreheads together and takes in Izuku's bright smile.

"What's with the look, nerd?"

He gets a sheepish reply. "When we moved in, I knew it was the start of our new lives. I just didn’t dream it would be our life... together."

Katsuki kisses his forehead, tells him he's a sap. But while Izuku laughs, he finds his own smile. Building a forever with Izuku?

Maybe he won't kill him yet.

A Million Universes, and I'd Still Pick You - SapphireTwilight - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.